[hider=Old Man of the Mountain] [color=orange][center][h1][u][b]The Old Man of the Mountain[/b][/u][/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/667651180872204299/1033447638672085002/d1c87c557e320013a1903d9ddae5cfe26ab1cef8.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=orange][center][h3][b]Pandjoran Grandmaster of Assassins[/b][/h3][/center][/color] [color=orange][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/color] | A tall, lanky elder man with a skull-faced mask permanently suctioned to his face, dressed in dark fabric fashioned from void serpent scales. A short, black beard escapes the bottom of the mask, while salt-and-pepper pulled back hair decorates his scalp when visible beneath his cowl. A pair of unnaturally bright blue eyes stare out from the lenses of the skull facial wear. [color=orange][u][b]Biography[/b][/u][/color] | The heritage and history of the Old Man of the Mountain has long been forgotten by the annals of time, hidden in the dark sand of the dusken world. What is known collectively by the unified technotribes of Pandjoras is that the title has been passed down through the ages of their people. This iteration of the Old Man is commonly known as ‘Unifier’, or Muahad in Pandjoran. The name was given to this elder man from his efforts to bring the people of Pandjoras back to the surface from their subterranean homes beneath the black dunes. Through perseverance, innovation, and bloodshed was Muahad able to successfully uplift the Pandjorans to once more rule over the umbral plains. The Old Man guided the local tribes to the tallest mountain across the surface of the dusken world and built Neu Alamut with his own hands. When Neu Alamut was completed, Muahad journeyed across the planet in a grand pilgrimage to reunite the lost tribes and scavenge the archeotech ruins of the long forgotten stellar empire. So it was that he gathered the descendants of the survivors of the Long Night, pillaged the sacred vaults of collapsed palaces, and birthed the first Caliphate House of Pandjoras - the House of Varranis. With the formation of House Varranis and it’s home of Neu Alamut, the unification effort of Pandjoras began in full swing; however, the Old Man knew that conflict would plague the dark sands of their homeworld. Thus did he band together with the techno-savants of the fallen palaces to construct the first model of powered armor for navigating across Pandjoras. The second House of Pandjoras was born from their technological union, bestowing them the name of Bahamut and allowing them sovereign rule over the archeotech wastes. Humanity could now walk the sands of the world without worry of imminent death, yet even this would not be enough to unify their people. Self-proclaimed warlords began to appear in tribes that had yet to receive their formal proclamations as Pandjoran Houses. Raids and skirmishes peppered the dark dunes of the dusken planet; however, Muahad had anticipated this as his tribe had always done. His tribe, the first of the asasiyun, understood the necessity of death more so than any clan on Pandjoras. It was through the actions of the hassassins, guided by the Old Man, that quelled the rebel warlords and settled the disputes between warring factions. With time, either through assassination or diplomacy, Muahad united the dusken wastes under the rule of the Caliphate House. Although the Old Man had no wish to rule over his people, he ultimately accepted the responsibility of continuing his role as a hafiz. Under his watchful gaze, the first of the floating palaces was reconstructed and the beginning of modern Pandjoran society began to expand from Neu Alamut. Houses were proclaimed, approved, and allowed their sovereign rule over sections of Pandjoras. Time would pass as the Old Man oversaw the growth of their homeworld, but nothing would prepare him for the arrival of the Thirteenth Son… [/hider]