[hider=] [center][h2][u][colour=D2691E] N A Z I H I Q B A L [/colour][/u][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/F8XYzkw.png[/img][/center] [i][center]"Life will always seek renewal through decay"[/center][/i] [center][h3][b] 17 | Male | Firrazene | Noble | 7.18 [/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [Abrupt] ❖ [Honest] ❖ [Stubborn] ❖ [Prudent] ❖ [Unostentatious][/indent] [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] The first thing most notice of Nazih is his statuesque physique, sculpted from many sweltering days laboring under the hot Firrazene sun. The second would be his towering height at 6ft, his face more often than not angled downwards. Short black hair, clean shaven, tired eyes framed with thick brows and a wide jaw. Despite living in the driest (and dustiest) region of the desert, he is always impeccably clean. For formal events Nazih dons clothes typical of FiRrazene nobility, but for everything else comfort and function take priority. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] Zaqhory - Native Tongue Inipori - Mostly fluent, semi-literate Torragonese - Fluent & Literate Avincian - Mostly fluent, semi-literate Belzaggic - Basic knowledge and understanding, not quite fluent. [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3][sub][b] 7.18 | Blueblood [/b][/sub] [indent] ❖ Chemistry ~[b] [i]Adept[/i] [/b] ❖ Binding ~[b] [i]Novice[/i] [/b] ❖ Atomic ~[b] [i]Novice[/i][/b] [i]For much of his life, Nazih's intended path was that of a warrior; one to reign destruction on his family's enemies as the first to have a capacity greater than seven in three generations. His elders sought to teach him destruction; corrosives and explosions. Form him into a weapon to be directed at their enemies. But Nazih's interest and talents lay elsewhere. Knowing his RAS not enough to reach his family's goals or give his people justice he focused on the intricacies of chemical magic; the strange forces keeping molecules in place and how re-arranging them could create something else entirely. In the desert, the cheetah lives for three years, and the camel lives for nine. When it comes to plant life, even less so. Farming in the deep desert is near impossible without magical intervention. Foreseeing the stagnation of his people through their inability to produce enough food to grow, Nazih begun seeking other solutions. While working towards developing a water retention method for the dry soil and analyzing his inability to grow things, he discovered that one could vastly accelerate the decomposition process of any organic material. Using a careful mix of chemistry magic and binding, Nazih managed to increase the nitrogen-generation of composting materials to incredible levels, fast-forwarding a process that would normally take months to only a few days. [/i] [/indent] [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] Born to the Iqbal house of Firraz, in the desolate lands they still called Zaqhorya, to a lineage still burdened by the consequences of the crusades of Torragon. Most Zaqhory had been slaughtered, and the lucky ones; a sizeable chunk of the Iqbal included, survives long enough to see the forming Firraz after the desecration of their homeland. Nazih is no exception to his people's pride, taking solace in his noble duties to revitalize the vast inhospitable deserts his family had been given domain over. Included in these duties were the harvest tours; during the planting and harvest seasons, anyone capable of assisting by magical means would travel the deserts and aid each settlement. This of course meant anyone of noble blood and able body would tour as well, as very few magical bloodlines remained after their homeland was violently ripped from their family. It was long, grueling work that aided in Nazih developing an impressive physique. Recognizing the desert's inability to sustain long term human settlements, he realized something needed to change. It didn't help that he seemed to have an aversion to green; any plant he sought to nurture would quickly wilt and die. So he was instead delegated to other manual labor among the stall and cattle far from any planted crops. Frustrated and confused with his inability to help his people the way they needed, he begun experimenting to find the root cause of the phenomenon. Many late nights lit by the desert moon and lantern-light were spent analyzing the sparse remains of his family's magical equipment and records. Over time he developed a unique respect for his handicap, beginning to understand the practical and philosophical importance of decay in the circle of life. This eventually resulted in Nazih developing rudimentary decomposition magic, a vitally important asset to his people's farms. Where a normal supply of compost would normally rot for six weeks to a year, his techniques cut the time to mere days. But, teaching the few other Zaqhory mages how to use his method magic proved to be an uphill battle for Nazih. For so long, the Iqbal people had been harboring a deep anxiety around keeping things alive in their harsh environment. Now they had to be taught that to bring life into their home, they must master life's eternal enemy: decay. It didn't help that such magic was a cultural taboo, as many saw the forced decomposition as a blight against nature, and therefore a threat to the dreamer's sleep. Regardless of their deeply rooted beliefs and traditions though, as the crops grew back stronger and stronger each year it became impossible to argue against him. Despite the short-sighted nature of some of the family members and population, the head of the Iqbal chose to recognize the unique potential before her. Wishing to further develop Nazih, she ordered him to travel to Ersand'Enise and study within the Academy of Thaumaturgy. In-between his protests, as Nazih would rather stay and have a more active hand in developing his people's land, she pushed for him to acknowledge the potential benefits. Having a powerful Alta at their disposal would be well worth the substantial damage to the Iqbal's coffers, and further serve their overall plans. In the end, Nazih could find no flaw in her reasoning, and reluctantly agreed. The Iqbal's overall goal has always been to retake their birthright that was wrenched from their hands so many years ago. Until Nazih improved their harvests, this was merely a dream; but now, with population growth in sight and a promising loyal mage training to become an even greater asset, they could finally plan for the vengeance they deserved. Particularly in Nazih's case, his mission was to develop and discover magic that could further strengthen his family beyond simply increased harvests. Similarly holding the steadfast determination the of his people, he already possessed a host of ideas; but lacked the necessary knowledge to act on them. As Nazih began traveling towards the Academy, leaving his homeland behind for the first time, he was filled with contradicting feelings. Intensely worried about the state of his hid people, but excited for the vast knowledge he would soon have at his fingertips. Overall he knew that this was one of the only paths that could result in the Zaqhory retaking their birthright, and with that thought at the forefront, he strode on with purpose. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] The quest to revitalize the Firrazene lands, and in turn the Zaqhory people. Beyond that, his natural yearning to comprehensively understand what makes things tick is more than enough to keep him on track. And yet, despite the amazing opportunity, he still harbors a sense of guilt for what his family and people will have to sacrifice to have him enrolled; which while anxiety inducing does serve as a strong motivator. [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] [indent] ❖ Brass Knuckles ❖ Exceptionally maintained Noble garbs ❖ Loose comfortable clothes ❖ Large bag full of cleaning supplies, along with a collection of chemical components ❖ A jar of dirt [/indent] [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Physical prowess ❖ Inquisitive ❖ Well-educated and well-spoken ❖ Highly Motivated[/indent] [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Compulsively Clean ❖ Prejudiced ❖ Tunnel Vision ❖ [b][i]Very[/i][/b] bad with plants[/indent] [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] BB Colour code = [colour=D2691E]D2691E[/colour] [/hider]