Chas took the bottle back once John had taken a swig of the liquor. He stayed by his best friend's side, knowing they had gone through a lot worse together, or at least, he liked to think they'd gone through worse than this. Josh stayed near Serena but enough out the way so he wasn't a nuisance to her, helping when she needed it, whether it handing her tools or anything more hands on. "Hellhounds have a surprisingly heavy hit" Chas said with a sigh, still wondering how Fia came out as well as she did after they heard the loud scream from her. Kay nodded at the kind words by Trish, finding it sweet she said such things. "Thanks kiddo... he'll be okay" she replied, hoping she would be correct and things really would be okay. Fia remained seated where she was, riddled with anxiety in her mind and body, too focused on whether her dad would survive or not to take notice of the lingering aching pain in her ankle, despite a shadow having earlier fixed it before she could stop it. She always had the lingering aching pain for a while as her body adjusted to being supernaturally healed.