[hider=Daena io Azrael] [center][h1]Daena io Azrael[/h1] [h2]Primarch of Legio I [i]Judicator[/i][/h2][/center] [hider=Legion] The First Legion, firstborn of the Astartes gene-forges, crafted with absolute care and precision as proof of concept for the entire project. They are to be entrusted with the greatest secrets and weapons, the first blade honed by the Emperor's hand, and they shall brook no dissent. The loss of their Primarch is of little concern to them on a material level, held close at the side of the Master of Mankind in these early days, their gene-seed stable enough to ensure that they can endure for centuries without their sire. [/hider] [hider=Homeworld] Irkalla Solum, classification δτ ("Death World"), should not exist. Records from the Dark Age of Technology name it as Irkalla Tertius, the least of three worlds capable of supporting life in that star system - but humanity's fall from grace took a bitter toll. During the Age of Strife both the hive world of Irkalla Secundus and the agri world of Irkalla Primus were destroyed in an unknown cataclysm that shattered the system, untold trillions perishing. Naught now remains of them save for circling rings of dust and rock that dance about their home star. But by some stroke of luck one world settled by man remained intact, preliminary analysis by the Mechanicum suggesting that a conjunction of Irkalla Tertius with the gas giant of Irkalla Sextus sheltered it from the storm. Once an overlooked mining world feeding precious minerals to the flourishing society within the system during humanity's zenith, that past is immortalized by the monumental hulks of long inoperative mass excavators. Now, it is one of the few stellar bodies capable of supporting an atmosphere in the Irkalla system, and the only one with a gas mix compatible with human life. But though it was saved from destruction, the scars of that ancient calamity are deep. Those who survived the shattering of Irkalla slowly picked up the pieces, the old mining concerns forming the basis of a new path forward in an uncertain world. Man labored tirelessly to raise himself from the calamity's ruin in a world forever changed, a stranger to them once more. It is a challenge depressingly common throughout the former realm of humanity during the Age of Strife, but the challenges here were greater than most. The local wildlife on Tertius, fierce to begin with, were not cowed by the devastation wrought upon their home. Instead they grew stronger, and some whisper that they seemed to grow crueler, monstrosities unknown to humanity stalking them at their weakest hour, turned mutant and feral on a world inundated by radiation and worse. And more beside stalk the wastes, for stalking the blasted landscape are the relics of the long past golden age. Maddened automatons, clouds of death, and horrors forgotten generations ago all bring destruction and terror. Yet even here, surrounded by great and powerful terrors, humanity pressed on. [hider=Irkalla System Gazetteer] +++Accessing Carta Galactica...+++ +++Primary information recovered from Dark Age data core, record date approximation [b]M22[/b]+++ +++Supplemental information gathered by the hand of the Glorious Emperor of Humanity [b]M30.890[/b]+++ +++Beginning record.+++ Welcome to Irkalla! Whether you've come to our home to stay, or just passing through, you'd do well to get accustomed to our little slice of the galaxy. Please note that accommodations for non-human physiologies are significantly hard to find outside of Irkalla Secundus, if you require such please contact the [color=red]+WARNING: DATA CONTAMINATION DETECTED. PLAYBACK SKIPPING CORRUPT SEGMENT.+[/color] and do enjoy your stay! [b]Irkalla Stella:[/b] A standard yellow dwarf, similar in many respects to Sol itself. Stellar cartographers estimate that the Irkalla star is approximately halfway through its lifespan. [color=lightskyblue][u][Kids, click here for more fun star facts!][/u][/color] [color=red]+Supplemental information for adolescents was unrecoverable.+[/color] [color=red]Contemporary examination of the star reveal it be aberrant, having somehow transformed into a blue dwarf. Local reports indicate that it intermittently surges purple-violet in defiance of known science, but this was not recorded by Imperial instruments. Mechanicum scholars have requested permission to erect a stellar observatory.[/color] [b]Irkalla Primus:[/b] The breadbasket of Irkalla! Located about as close as you can get to the sun without burning up, crops grow here at a rapid rate. So bountiful are its fields that over ninety percent of its output is exported to other star systems within [color=red]+WARNING: DATA CONTAMINATION DETECTED. PLAYBACK SKIPPING CORRUPT SEGMENT.+[/color] and that's just to name a few of the local delicacies. Visit today! [color=red]Irkalla Primus has been destroyed, orbital track now inhabited by a ring of planetary fragments.[/color] [b]Irkalla Secundus:[/b] Capital of the Irkalla system, the great cities here are home to over eight hundred billion people and counting. If you're interested in high arts or the nightlife, or anything in between, there's something here for you. Restaurants, bars, clubs, opera houses, and more dot the spires, some local outposts from establishments linked back to Terra itself! [color=red]Irkalla Secundus has been destroyed, orbital track now inhabited by a ring of planetary fragments.[/color] [b]Irkalla Tertius:[/b] If you like to rock a little bit more on the wilder side, this is the place for you! A cold world rich with mineral deposits, several mining concerns from [color=red]+WARNING: DATA CONTAMINATION DETECTED. PLAYBACK SKIPPING CORRUPT SEGMENT.+[/color] dot the surface, enticing explorers new and old! But take care, outside the mining zones little has been done to push back the native wildlife, and they're not the funnest critters to mess with. For those day trippers out there who want to spend the afternoon risking life and limb and evening in a warm bed, this is the place for you! [color=red]Redesignated Irkalla Solum. The planet remains intact and its original record remains approximately 60% accurate. Exploitation of mineral deposits is highly encouraged, as the same calamity that destroyed the rest of the system rent great chasms in the surface, exposing a bounty of wealth. Local fauna have become only more dangerous however, and there are reports from the locals that technology predating the Age of Strife remains active. Extreme caution is advised.[/color] [b]Irkalla Quartus:[/b] We like to think of Quartus as our last little light before you head out into the great dark beyond. It's a small planet, barely large enough to keep an atmosphere, and rests at the opposite end of the habitable zone from Primus. Settlement is extremely minimal, and we ask that any who wish to do more than tour the planet sign several liability release waivers. If you just want to get away from it all and eke it out like humanity used to, you can't get better than here. [color=red]Irkalla Quartus has been destroyed, orbital track now inhabited by a ring of planetary fragments.[/color] [b]Irkalla Quintus:[/b] If Quartus isn't remote enough for you, give Quintus a shot. Resting outside the habitable zone, your only neighbors will be the occasional mineralogical survey. Please note, settlement assistance is not available on Quintus. [color=red]Irkalla Quintus has been destroyed, orbital track now inhabited by a ring of planetary fragments.[/color] [b]Irkalla Sextus:[/b] An immense gas giant near the outskirts of the system, Sextus is the home of the largest refueling depot for light years. For many travelers, this is their last stop before heading off to parts unknown, and trust us that you'll never forget the sight of an entire fleet of sprint traders lighting their drives as they depart. [color=red]Redesignated Irkalla Quassus. The very world seems to bleed, a great cloud of gas trailing from it as it drifts through the void, and it is significantly smaller than prior records suggest. Mechanicum envoys hypothesize that examination of this wound could be used to date the shattering of Irkalla.[/color] [b]Irkalla Septus:[/b] Sextus' little sister, Septus is a far smaller gas giant but still rich in hydrogen and helium fuel. Travelers frustrated with the wait times at Sextus can make use of the smaller depots located in orbit here, but it's most commonly used by local shipping. [color=red]Redesignated Irkalla Moror. The former gas giant has dissipated entirely, leaving only the dense metal core to mark its passage. Even this has been knocked significantly off course, its orbit now highly elliptical.[/color] This document was prepared by the Irkalla Tourism Board. We hope you enjoy your stay! +++End of record.+++[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Psyker Grade] Delta. Though most associated with the discipline of divination due to their uncanny pronouncements, their ability with such powers is rather limited in comparison to true masters. Daena is most proficient with telepathy, using it as effortlessly as speech. Sending orders, reading minds, inspiring their followers, or simply striking down those who face them are all within their capabilities. [/hider] [hider=Skills/Abilities] [b]Flight:[/b] Though mutated, some use may be made of their affliction. The wings upon their back are fully functional, capable of lifting them into the air and enabling them to fly with shocking maneuverability. Such is their strength that they can even fly in full power armor, though they prefer a far lighter suit of artificer armor designed for them. [b]Resilience:[/b] Daena's mind and body both are difficult to break, the Primarch having been exposed to horrors beyond human comprehension before being rescued by the Emperor. Spikes of hard radiation and the sight of countless companions falling have both hardened them, and they are all but immune to both environmental hazards and psychological distress. [b]Inquest:[/b] Observation and evaluation are two sides of the same coin, and they have mastered both. With but a glance, they are able to determine the weak points in an opponent's armor, their relative strength compared to both themself and other foes, and determine how best to strike them down. Prolonged examination of a person, place, or problem permit them something close to true understanding, keen intuition filling in the blanks and providing a more or less accurate picture off of minimal information. Such insight is often combined with their psychic powers. [b]Deathsight:[/b] An irregular and not always desired psychic gift, Daena has the ability to gaze at any being with a soul and determine its manner of death. This is not true foresight, but instead the future most likely to occur with the clarity increasing as the event comes closer into being. Due to the lack of context provided with such visions, it is impossible to tell if actions taken in response to such information are truly averting the fate - or simply playing out as designed. [b]Decree Absolute:[/b] Rarely does the Primarch use this ability, but when they do woe betide all upon the field. Channeling the force of their own conviction, they pronounce a mighty doom with such force that all who hear it are convinced that not only should the judgement come to pass, but that it must. Armies and nations have been whipped into furor upon their word, never stopping until all is as was said or they lay dead. [/hider] [hider=Appearance] Daena is clearly a mutant, fully formed wings sprouting from their back. Even overlooking these, their form is distressing for most to look upon, blessed by a beauty beyond the human to the point that their perfection is inhuman. Over nine feet tall, their face is set with eyes of pure white, tresses the same color cascading down from their head. To some, they are an angel sent from on high, to others, an abomination of the human form, but to all it is clear that the giant is no ordinary human. At peace they wear fine, if unornamented, robes appropriate for one one of high station, all such clothing tailored not just for their superhuman form but also the horror of their unwanted gift. At war they gird themself in finely wrought raiment, a suit of artificer armor that remains light enough for them to take flight unaided. They make no attempt to hide the truth of themself in any arena, forcing the awe struck and the disgusted both to deal with the sight before them. [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4e78d9e1-f4b2-4a3f-8871-2833634951e3/d731q7i-09d07e16-9fe9-43cd-bb1e-573c95049604.png/v1/fill/w_1600,h_947,q_80,strp/avacyn__angel_of_hope_wallpaper_by_dericwadleigh_d731q7i-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD05NDciLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC80ZTc4ZDllMS1mNGIyLTRhM2YtODg3MS0yODMzNjM0OTUxZTNcL2Q3MzFxN2ktMDlkMDdlMTYtOWZlOS00M2NkLWJiMWUtNTczYzk1MDQ5NjA0LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xNjAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.L3qIhZpt5ng4qgtCkqMPwZaGvYzQQyVfFv1VTjNgI5I[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Concept] The First Primarch, an androgynous warrior capable of siring Astartes of any gender as a test of the gene-forges, and the Emperor's Truthspeaker. Designed to be beyond baseline human restrictions and identities, they were the first great craft of transhuman engineering and serve as proof of what is possible. In their rule as Truthspeaker, they were intended to be able to see the absolute fact of any matter, and deliver it to the Master of Mankind without fear or favor, a capability that he simply lacks from his mortal subordinates. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Legio I Judicator] [center][h1]Legio I [i]Judicator[/i][/h1] [img]https://puu.sh/GGuWc/47b25fb400.png[/img] [h3]Offspring of the First Angel[/h3][/center] First forged of the Astartes, Legio I was designed from its inception as a proof of concept for the Astartes project and its capability to enhance as much of mankind as possible. Possessing extremely stable gene-seed intentionally crafted to reduce chromosomal rejection, they can and do recruit from almost every reservoir of the human gene-pool that has sworn fealty to the Emperor. Lacking any singular cultural tradition, aside from the general Hymalazian origin of the earliest Astartes, they are the first fighting force that can be considered to be 'Imperial' in character, the melange of technobarbarian traditions all forced to adhere to and compromise with the broader institution without a central point to rally around. Serving as both a rapid reaction force that can revitalize its numbers by recruiting from allied local forces as well as a promise that if one surrenders they may attempt to gain such power themselves, it is increasingly common to see them distributed as penny packets across fronts. However, within their central barracks, the First have been given custodianship over some of the most horrid weapons ever constructed, entrusted with using them only at the most dire need or upon the Emperor's orders. This combination has led to many sociology-sages to posit that, over time, the Legion culture will adapt to view itself as the defender of and bridge between humanity and transhumanity at best, or as mankind's rightful rulers at worst. [/hider]