[hider=Most powerful spell: Gun!] [center][color=8493ca][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] Hector Wyland [color=8493ca][b]"Sometimes, its a lot easier solving problems with lead instead of magic."[/b][/color] [hider=Image] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rpiRcnG.png[/img] [/hider] [color=8493ca][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] At a height of 5'8" with a slim build, Hector is a rather unimpressive man in terms of stature. His gray hair gives the impression of him being a lot older than he actually is, and the sullen look in his one remaining eye doesn't help that image much. Still, one can tell by the way he carries himself that he's a man of noble birth and military training. [color=8493ca][b][u]Race:[/u][/b][/color] Human [color=8493ca][b][u]Sex:[/u][/b][/color] Male [color=8493ca][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 26 [color=8493ca][b][u]Magic Divination:[/u][/b][/color] [color=39b54a]Galdr[/color], [color=yellow]Thaumaturgy[/color] [color=8493ca][b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b][/color] [hider=Galdr] [i]Ghost Line:[/i] Rather than using Galdr to call upon fully manifested familiars, Hector prefers to keep them in a semi-solid "incomplete" state. His familiars are much weaker for it, but lack a physical form to be attacked. They can also inhabit objects, such as his gun or the bullets within to manipulate them. The only consistent familiar that he has is the one that frequently inhabits the stock of his gun: Herne, who takes the form of a transparent white snake. [i]Haunt:[/i] A spiritual invocation that sends one of Hector's familiar towards an enemy, "Marking" them in a way that allows him to see them so long as the spirit remains attached, or within 500 meters. Hector can also have a familiar "haunt" an area, causing a thick white fog to roll in and obscure it. [i]Shot Suspend:[/i] A basic order given to spirits inhabiting bullets to "hold" them in place in the air. This can result in a loss of power compared to an actual firing, but the shot's angle can also be redirected. If Hector is in a hurry, he can even force a bullet from his hand to be "suspended", but he usually only does this to ease the process of reloading his rifle. [i]Self Order:[/i] A bizarre Galdr spell in which the user allows a spirit to gain limited control of a body part, with Hektor most frequently using it on his arms to allow him to fire with near perfect accuracy even while running. The only part he refuses to give up his the index finger he'd use to pull the trigger, seeing as he doesn't want to risk a particularly jumpy spirit blowing away an ally by mistake. [/hider] [hider=Thaumaturgy] [i]Healing Prayer:[/i] One of the basic thaumaturgical spells that Hektor knew during his time as a medical practitioner contracted by the Church. Alleviates pain, hastens regeneration, and provides some relief from toxins and poisons in the blood. Not a very powerful healing spell, but is quick to intone. [i]Smite:[/i] A popular spell of the church devised for the purpose of eliminating monsters. Allows the user to attach a fair deal of magical energy to a weapon in order to deliver a devastating blow with significantly more force behind it. Hector chooses to use it to give his bullets significantly increased destructive power and shot velocity. [i]Ward of Morning:[/i] A protective barrier spell used to cleanse miasma in a small area while also making it painful for non-humanoid entities to be inside. While the damage inflicted by the spell is minimal, it also makes creatures of unholy origin move significantly slower. If an Apparition enters the ward's area, they will become susceptible to physical damage and other magic types. [/hider] [color=8493ca][b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b][/color] [i]Freischütz:[/i] A lovingly customized magitech lever-action rifle that was hand-assembled by Hector. The make of the rifle is top of the line, durable and sleek with each part functioning smoothly for the user. The gun itself is made to be conductive to Galdr incantations, allowing the user to summon a spirit both inside the barrel, and along it for stabilization. [i]Bayonet:[/i] A simple steel blade roughly four inches in length that can be used as a simple knife or attached to the end of Freischütz. [color=8493ca][b][u]Brief Background:[/u][/b][/color] As the third son of a noble house, prospects were limited for the youngest boy of the house Wyland. Situated in Flugell and having an opportunity to join the nation's armed forces to earn distinction, Hector was a typical Noble Licsuhianist that thought the world of his own skills and entrusted the usage of magic to be fully in the church's purview. Receiving training as a field doctor as well as an infantryman, Hector's prospective military would be cut short, along with the lives of his brothers in arms. The camp position was supposed to be clear of miasma, but the apparitions within had wandered far from their toxic hovels in search of prey. Its an odd feeling, having a transparent claw slice through your eye. That was, at the only injury Hector sustained from the apparitions that tore his comrades to pieces before he was sent hurtling over a nearby cliff while trying to dodge a second swipe, plummeting into a river. Through sheer dumb luck he had survived, being found by a downstream Fae community deeper within the woods. There his wound was tended, the worst outcome of corruption being avoided thanks to a skilled thaumaturge. Burning with shame and a desire to exterminate blight, he'd forsake the church's beliefs on magic to learn from the Fae in the village...albeit, as one can tell from the state of his familiars, he doesn't have a very high aptitude for magic usage. In spite of this, he's sought out the Tower to become a Reaver to hunt down menaces to the world. After all...his life had to have been saved for a reason. [color=8493ca][b][u]Anything else we should know about you:[/u][/b][/color] While there is still a bit of the "nobleman pomp" in Hector, he's not so proud as to think he's better than those around him anymore. While he does have a basic healing spell at his disposal, Hector's medical expertise means that he can aid the injured without magic if need be.[/center][/hider] Sorry to pop in unannounced, but my schedule cleared up a bit! [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFRZMBZTHEo[/youtube]