[url=https://fontmeme.com/glitch-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220826/e12e4a5b7ee0214db74b9104b1aaa7d0.png[/img][/url] Someone told Surge they doubted the food and drink were involved. Surge nodded softly, it had only been a passing thought anyways. He turned his head to listen to the other fairies. The prince seemed to be capable of going between distress, blaming, and flirting in no time flat, and Surge wondered if he grasped the full seriousness of the situation or was trying to distract himself from it? There was a rustle of wings. Someone offered to start making a magic identifier. The one that'd just spoken to him expressed further doubts the dark fairies' involvement, suggesting Earth fairies may know what to do. He heard his daughter reply, she sounded closer than before, explaining she'd never seen anything like this but knew an elderly fairy that might be able to help. An embarrassed smirk crossed his lips at how she described the old lady's age, but this didn't seem like the time or place to be scolding her about it. Surge nodded, he'd never seen or felt Greypetal's magic for himself, but Juniper had described her powers before, “[color=fff200]It's a lead founded in fact at least.[/color]” That seemed enough for the prince, who suggested if Greypetal could unstone everyone, his father would likely know what to do next, and he flew off to get a chariot. Juniper fluttered further away. Surge felt around the nearby electrical field to keep track of her. It didn't seem like any additional fairies were being turned to stone, but still. . . he didn't like it. Upon returning the prince appointed Juniper navigator (a concerning thought for Surge), and they all climbed into the carriage. Juniper immediately asked to pet whatever was pulling the carriage then asked Surge what direction they came from. He really regretted not going over maps with her while he could still see. He thought a moment, recalling vague memories of maps and locations, “[color=fff200]Uh, well June Bug, Lumina is east of Feydellia, and just a little south.[/color] (Well, unless GM says otherwise.)” It was not a smooth ride. The prince's flirting quickly causing pedestrians to cry out and the prince to apologize. Surge gripped the side of the carriage quietly, hoping this was not how they died. Thankfully as they got closer to home, Juniper was able to give him more precise directions to keep him on task. Surge was grateful when the carriage came to a stop, immediately getting out.