[center][h1]The Cave of Shifting Sands[/h1][/center] The passage way itself seemed rather uninviting, dimmer than the room before it. Gwyneria came to the mouth of the passage, her shot at leg twinging slightly as she went, then she looked around, furrowing her brow as she spotted more hieroglyphs. [color=teal]"To trespass through the maw, make sure to avoid the serpent's tongue?[/color] She blinked. [color=teal]"I can't be reading that right..."[/color] She looked further down, her hand resting on one of two tooth-like stalagmites. Peering both for any indication of what the 'serpent's tongue' might be along with seeing if there were any more guards might be. Do those with her search as well or continue on their way through?