[hider=Rejev Devol] Character Name: Rejev Devol Rank/Role: Fabricator General of Voss Prime, Prime Attendant of the Temple Cybernetica Appearance: Although nominally a singular being, Devol is, in reality, an entity that operates through dozens of proxy-bodies, each selected based on the Fabricator's whims, or for a specific, necessitated purpose. The appearance of these bodies, as such, varies wildly -- a handful are locked away for the specific purpose of diplomacy, ranging from beautiful, androgynous shapes to hulking giants clad in corded genesculpt muscle, each designed to appeal to a different, loosely defined cultural archetype. They even possess a handful of warforms, carried aloft by anything from cybernetic legs to sleek grav-lift abeyants. Whichever form is chosen, however, there is no flesh visible, only cabes, armored plates, writhing mechadendrites, and the crisp reds and yellows of Vossian robes Biography: thousands of years old, little of Devol's history is known to those outside of their inner circle -- the vaunted parliament of the Martian domains and Voss Prime in particular, its most skilled tech-priests and most cutthroat politicians. What is widely known, however, is that Devol was spawned out of a cloning vat, designed and trained to serve as a data-entry clerk in the Temple Cybernetica, Voss's center of robotic hardware and software, essentially a miles-wide, mile-tall server room buried deep beneath the Right Hand's crust. They knew nothing but the Temple's halls for the entirety of their early life, hearing nothing but sparse binharic chatter and the low chanting of the hymnal priests blessing the massive stacks of data-cards stored away in the Temple's mile-high libraries. For many centuries, their life proceeded down the path of a relatively exceptional lexmechanic, eventually being granted the responsibility of cybertheurgy, thanks to their unusual aptitude for and fascination with the nature of data and the science of transmissions themselves. As luck would have it, however, the Omnissiah eventually saw fit to bless Rejev with a greater fate. On what was to be a simple expedition to Gyptus with their martian allies, Rejev, having joined the ranks of Explorators, stumbled upon a massive data-tomb, under the watchful eyes of Magos Cayce. Deep within the heavily-guarded complex, Rejev uncovered and was able to decipher the fragmentary blueprints for a prototypical datanet termed the "noosphere". Rejev was able to determine alongside the attending adepts that, if its myriad schemata were to be believed, this noospheric technology would communicate data in a raw form that was theoretically immune to malware and scrap-code. Instantly, their career's progress became meteoric, and Rejev was thrust unwillingly into the cold politicking of the Mechanicum, even separated from Mars itself by the gulf of space. Mars's Right Hand had always been closely connected to it, after all, lines of communication maintained even since long before the Great Crusade. Progress on the noosphere was slow, but the advances made in data security alongside it were sufficient enough to afford Rejev the opportunity to substantially invest Every favour was exchanged for resources, of course, as was the way of things in the Mechanicum, though Rejev made a habit of fair exchange rather than extortion and manipulation, hoping to gain as many allies and as few enemies within the Martian Empire as was humanly possible. Inevitably, some grew jealous, or doubted the promise of the noosphere, but Rejev pressed on regardless, providing some of Voss’s most advanced Cybernetica and ever-improving techniques and rituals of maintenance, all while pushing the boundaries of Cybertheurgy. It wasn't long before the Magos was elevated to Archmagos, given their own enormous forged complex to command, deciphering newly-uncovered STC at a breakneck pace, refining their cybertheurgy. Eventually, Rejev's accomplishments carried them further than even they thought possible, elected first to the Voss's parliament, then, shortly afterward, elevated to Fabricator General of Voss Prime for their enormous contributions to the Legio Cybernetica and to data-science. However, as of late, distant rumblings from Mars of rapid conquest on Terra draw a handful of their many eyes and dozens of cogitators towards humanity's cradle. [/hider]