(I have collected myself somewhat) I have a few questions, actually, since I'm not certain we have the same definition of roleplay. Firstly, who's in charge? You and Bluregard seem to be waiting on Myke but answering for her and it's really confusing. Secondly, and I don't mean to come across as confrontational, but I feel like everyone takes issue with me and I can't quite figure out why. As in, you're very quick to shut me down and you jump to negative conclusions before trying to understand what I'm saying. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but if I am could you please just point it out and help me understand how to be more productive and cooperative instead of cutting me down? I also don't understand, and this may go back to us having different definitions of roleplay, why do we need a complex plot? Why do we have to wait for months? Isn't this just a game? Why can't we focus on having fun? And in that vein, now that we have a plot, why can't we start? Also, while it's fine if my idea wouldn't work, I didn't appreciate having two people shout "NO" without any explanation. It came across as aggressive and I felt singled out. Please consider my questions. I don't mean to be agressive. I am getting very frustrated with the continuous lack of explanations and aggressive responses. While I really enjoy roleplaying and devote a lot of time and attention to them, at the end of the day it's just a game and I don't think it's worth fighting or demeaning people over. I just want to understand. Thanks, Dawn