Ghost slowed down his pace as he was walking, still keeping low and out of sight. Soon enough though he heard people talking as he stopped and sank lowered himself. He listened for a bit as he looked on, some one asking if the other bandaged them up, and another announcing he wasn't NWA, only there was a slight accent to his speech that made ghost think one look at him and you could tell he wasn't NWA. He decided to keep a distance for now, backing up slowly he turned and shifted looking around finding where the landscape stared to rise and headed off in that direction. After a few moments he was out of ear shot, no longer able to hear them, and more importantly, nobody could hear him. He looked around, then looked up as he looked a tree...perfect he thought. He removed his back pack, and stashed it in a bush near by so that it couldn't be seen. He climbed that tree, using branches he ascended nearly fifteen feet into the air where the tree trunk split, climbing up into that nook he lowered down, his body conforming to the tree. He really wished he had a gilly suite right now. But for now he stuck close to the tree, his uniform all black he was high enough that at a glance he would be un-noticed, and from a distance it would be hard to see him. He pulled his rife up and rested it on a branch in front of him for support as he looked down the scope. He pulled in the zoom to 10x magnification as he looked down. He estimated he was mabye 100 meters away, wind was low and not a factor and gravity wouldn't play a big factor, maybe a few centimeters down from the center. There was a small hood over his scope that stopped any lens flare as it covered the glass with a shadow. Moving his rifle he scanned the small group, the man in fatigues was wounded, he wasn't able to get a good look at him from his view point in the jungle earlier, but something told him this was the man he was looking for, a gut feeling. There was a woman, and an Asian man as well. One thing he new, they weren't NWA. Moving his scope once more he caught the sun reflecting off of a scope further back as he shifted up to see the man in a pilots helmet with what looked like an old M1. Though from the markings, he was looked like a Japanese pilot, so not NWA. Despite this the only knew two things for certain, they weren't NWA, and they had a bunch of detonators for nukes. Watching that Mexican stand off from a distance he moved his scope training it on the Asian man. He wasn't to worried about the others, the girl and wounded man were to the left and right and if they turned to look at the Asian they would be looking away from him. He could simply tell by the way the Pilot held the rifle that he wasn't a threat, he had the barrel sticking out of the rocks, how his hand held the barrel like a machine gun to keep that rapid fire steady, instead of holding the butt of the rifle it to slightly guide the rifle for smooth motion. He probably wouldn't know how to properly adjust for bullet drop, He guessed that it was the more imposing mans rifle, and also meant it was sighted for him. Though That M1A was a good rifle, it was not a factor as it is useless in the hands of that pilot at any distance past maybe 15 meters. So for now he watched through his scope, if anything they would start shooting each other and he wouldn't have to worry about killing any of them.