[color=787b81][sup][h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/56/e1/6b/56e16b1a9e5719c1547a7530d99fe3fa.gif[/img] [b][center][color=black]𝓐 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓑𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 [/color] [color=#f3e5ab] 𝓐 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓑𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 [/color][/center][/b][/center][/h1][/sup] [right][sub][color=#f3e5ab]mentions:[/color] [color=#fff200]The Baratheon Boys[/color] [@Sini] | [color=#B175D4]Garrett Tyrell & Oak[/color] [@Danvers] [/sub][/right][/color][hr] [color=787b81] It had been some time after the memorial that the Baratheons piled into a carriage or mounted their horses and began the trek towards Summerhall. The Tournament was rumored to be the biggest and best yet, that was for Argella to decide. Though it wasn't like she had many to compare this one to, too busy raising someone else's little ones keeps her busy enough as is. She shared the cart with her nephew, making sure that he was still conducting his lessons, regardless of the trip they were taking, before being let out to ride with his father. The trip wasn't as quick as Argie would have liked, but she was grateful to be out of Storm's End for a change. It was nearing nightfall by the time they arrived and as soon as they reached their destination Argie jumped from the carriage, wanting to stretch her legs after not being allowed to ride saddle back alongside her brothers - it was befitting her or some such nonsense according to Royce. [sub][i][color=#f3e5ab]“It isn’t befitting to dump the responsibility of raising your children onto the shoulders of your baby sister and yet…”[/color][/i][/sub] words she longed to shove in his face but the point would be moot. So instead she settled for a glare shot his way any chance she got. Earning more than a few stifled chuckles from the others. As her feet touched steady ground, Argella of House Baratheon began walking towards the Redwyne’s tents of red, purple and blue. That was until she was caught by the upper arm and turned around rather fiercely and came face to face with an annoyed Royce. [color=white]“Where do you think you are going?”[/color] [color=#f3e5ab]“Going to partake in sampling some wine from our dear friends. It has been a long and arduous trip, Roy, I do believe I have earned some me time.”[/color] He sneered in the direction of the Redwynes and looked about as if the environment were to give him a sign to refuse her her leisure. His eyes soon found the face of his son and thrusted his sister towards him, [color=white]“Your duty lies in taking care of Gowen, and seeing to it that we are settled in.”[/color] [color=white]“Father! I am not a child–“[/color] but the young buck’s words were lost on the heir of Baratheon. [color=white]“Quiet, boy. Attend to your aunt,”[/color] Royce said, ascertaining whether or not his little sister was going to make this into a contest of wills. [color=white]“Once we are unpacked, check on the horses and come find me to report. You can have your fun then.”[/color] A noble’s horse or a knight’s mount was part of him. A certain mark of distinction from the smallfolk, and a lesson Gowen was being taught every day. Biting her tongue Argie clenched her fist tight enough to dog her nails into skin, crescent shaped indents bringing blood to the surface. He was too stubborn for his own good. It’s where the children get it from. How had Cyrenna ever dealt with him was beyond her. With a subtle nod she curtsied and took Gowen to their lodgings muttering under her breath as she went. [color=#f3e5ab][i]“Oh I’ll tend to the horses alright… mount one and run off I will… see where that leaves you with your seedlings…”[/i][/color] Tending to her duties took longer than she wished; rather overseeing the rounds that Gowen was in charge of took longer than she wanted. Why she needed to loom over him like a shadow was beyond her, he was more than capable of handling his daily chores without her, why should it be any different now? [color=#f3e5ab]"Most like for Roy to exert whatever control he still harbors..."[/color] she found herself muttering as she leaned against the post of the makeshift stalls where the horses were contained, a tuft of black hair running around as he filled their troughs with water and their buckets with hay. [color=#f3e5ab]"Come Gowen, the sun is long set."[/color] He popped his head up from around the front of his father's horse, a look on his face that screamed not for him to be in trouble. A younger version of Royce if ever Argella had seen. Smudges of dirt on his cheeks, hair wet and sticking to his forehead, [color=white]"But I need to finish. Father will be-"[/color] [color=#f3e5ab]"[i]My brother[/i] will not know if you do not tell him,"[/color] her words were playful yet her tone was concrete. Not a word would be spoken to him about the shirking of one's duties. Not by her at least and she hoped that he would catch on to her meaning and keep his lips sealed. At least til the morning. Motioning for him to come join her at her side they took off back to their camp, musing about what it was they could eat for the evening. As the night wore on and Gowen fell fast asleep atop his cot Argie slipped out of the tent and, after announcing to the household knight of the young buck, she made her way through the throng of peoples towards more lively areas. Though she was supposed to find Roy after all was said and done, Argie found it within herself to care not. She'll just chalk it up to not being able to locate him, should she get caught. But that was a thought for another time. Waltzing into the pavilion she was greeted immediately by the warmth radiating off the bodies of the crowded tent. At first she attempted to get by with politeness, something her mother would have been proud of, however when she wasn't getting much further than a foot from the entrance it was then that she began to push her way through the throng of pompous drunks before her. [color=#f3e5ab]"Move out the way you cumberground."[/color] Huffing and tossing her elbows out in order to burrow her way past Argie eventually made it to the other side of the tent, ordering a goblet as she did. There was hardly a place to sit, the place was so popular, but what did she expect with the Redwynes. It was a pleasant feel, the environment and Argella oddly felt a sense of belonging. It was no wood nor forest, or shore along the coast, but it was bustling and lively and [i]free[/i]. Something she desperately longed for. Now that she was here she was going to enjoy it for all it's worth. Sipping on the Arbor Red that flowed so freely among those gathered beneath the Redwyne cloth the Baratheon beauty was offered a seat and company, chatting and laughing while those around sang and danced away to the music drifting into the space around them. Company she knew not before that very moment. She even locked eyes across the way with a handsome fellow, a familiar face, dogged by an eccentric character that didn't fail to pull a laugh from her. She turned quickly back to present company in time to learn of the games they were about to play. It intrigued the young doe enough for her to want to try her own luck; resulting in her doing quite well. Most of the time. [color=white]"Oi! There is no way this time is your first!"[/color] A burly man, drunk off his arse, sloshed his drink across the table towards her as he gestured. [color=#f3e5ab]"But it is! I swear it,"[/color] Argie laughed him off easily with wine flowing through her and face flushed with the heat from the bodies crowding around. The night had been going smoothly, new friends and acquaintances were being made without hassle. It was hardly the first time she had found herself surrounded by drunkards and rowdy civilians and she felt she was well equipped to handle whatever situation came her way. What she wasn't prepared for was the same man to snarl and grip her wrist - second time this evening - and twist it hard. He yanked her to her feet, kicking her chair out from beneath her and raising her to level his gaze, as blurry as it must have been. [color=white]"You're cheatin' me outta my coin and I demand recompense."[/color] Sucking on her teeth in feign concern the Baratheon doe shrugged as best she could, [color=#f3e5ab]"Best I can do is a sprig of mint,"[/color] an air of sarcasm mingling with the bubbly persona the wine gave her. His eyes turned hard and his hand gripped her tighter yet. A look about him that screamed for her to be a little more concerned with her company and well being. [color=white]"You little bitch-"[/color] his free hand that had been raised back was let loose and came towards her. To the dark haired beauty it felt almost slowed. As if time were coming to a halt. Argella hadn't the foggiest of ideas as to why she would believe such a thing. Clearly had nothing to do with the fact that the handsome man from before had closed the gap from earlier and found himself closer to her - their proximity shortened. No. Definitely not that. Nor would it have anything to do with a foolish bard come stumbling onto the scene and into the arse holding her hostage. [color=#B175D4]"What's going on here? A party? How about some music?"[/color] Either he was too drunk or thick headed to notice the tension, regardless Argella would have to thank him properly once she was released. [hider=TLDR] [list] [*] Travel to the tourney [*] Argella just needs a break and wants to go out and drink [*] Big bro Roy says not til after chores are done [*] Argie cuts chores done short and leaves after Gowen sleeps [*] Sees a handsome gent across the tent [*] Drinks and plays games with some new no named faces [*] Accused of cheating [*] Oak saves the day! [*] Kinda [/list] [/hider] [/color]