[hider=Primarch X] [i]Name[/i]: N/A [i]Legion[/i]: Xth Legion, to be named the Pyre Raptors by the Emperor. [i]Homeworld[/i]: Phlogiston-4 - A world of dragons. Literally. There is no word for "animal" or "creature" on Phlogiston-4; the concept of dragons has overtaken it wholly, and for good reason. Every single beast on the planet short of humans themselves takes the form of some sort of draconic entity, red-skinned monsters engulfed in purple chitinous armour and with bio-plasmic breath weapons galore. A great many of these even have wings - dragon-eagles, dragon-wolves, dragon-tigers, even dragon-turtles - and if they aren't dragons with wings, then they are likely their six-legged drake cousins, who in truth are simply lesser dragons. Furthermore, the flora of Phlogiston-4 is warped and alien in form, whilst the air is typically choked with spores spat into the air by these plants: wonderful for the dragons, inimical to humanity. One may wonder how humanity has survived on this world - nay, thrived, for their cities are quite vast and technologically advanced, in spite of both the local environs and external factors. The truth is, though most know it not, Phlogiston-4 is a low-level Daemon World: not yet dragged into the Warp in full, but inching ever closer with every deal the ruling sorcerers make with their "dragon familiars", every life sacrificed to them for personal gain and protection of their territories, every soul burned to fuel their city's defense systems. Not all of these cities are so vile, but few remain that have not taken to this brand of disturbing symbiosis. The Long Night has been long indeed, and the race to the bottom is swift when the price can be readily paid by someone else. [i]Psyker Grade[/i]: Uncertain, no conscious awareness of psychic abilities. Likely Gamma or Delta. [i]Skills/Abilities[/i]: [i]Draconic Figure[/i] - A mix of factors has led the Xth Primarch to develop a look that is not too far divorced from that of the mythical dragons of Ancient Terran lore. Whilst still recognisably human in figure, much of his body is coated with purple, scute-like scales; his mouth a mawful of sharp teeth, his fingernails diamond-hard rending claws; and from his back, two stubs of flesh that will become great scaled wings, offering flight in his adulthood. In addition, he seems to be all but immune to heat and flame alike, not so much as charring in temperature ranges including those of molten metals, re-entry speeds, or plasma blasts and other heat-based weaponry. Lastly, whilst any of the native abilities of a Space Marine are naturally enhanced in their Primarchs, the 6th's unusual modifications lead to saliva that is closer to self-igniting promethium than acid, letting him spit what is effectively napalm at enemies. [i]Survival[/i] - The Xth Primarch is unnervingly capable of surviving in, quite literally, the most inhospitable conditions known to mankind. He possesses an innate understanding of what is and isn't useful for survival, including what can and cannot be consumed for sustenance, as well as how to render an environment that most would consider unworkable suitable for human life and further construction. In the worst case scenarios, where there is literally no way to survive an environment otherwise or if dealt an otherwise-lethal wound, he can enter what is essentially a state of cryptobiosis, effectively the suspended animation of lesser Space Marines extrapolated to the natural logical conclusion of a Primarch's near-demigod physique, complete with a nigh-indestructible cocoon of hardened bone, keratin, and chitin. [i]Creature Empathy[/i] - To complement his innate survival traits, the Xth Primarch has an unnerving capacity to commune with any local wildlife, even those that ought to be extraordinarily hostile. Through a combination of what seems to be natural animal magnetism, and possibly a degree of psychic communication, he is able to convey his wishes to fauna expertly, and without further goading they will assuredly be followed through on. Indeed, this connection seems to remain even after he has left, letting him more or less domesticate creatures that would be basically unmanageable for anyone else, and ensure that they remain in that state even with planetary, and perhaps even astronomical distances between them. [i]Battle Frenzy[/i] - Simply put, if compelled to fight for an extended timeframe or under heavy mental duress, the Xth is liable to begin subconsciously exchanging technique and intellect for expanded raw power. As he falls into this state, he begins to bulk out heavily, and his movements become more animalistic, relying on instinct and hyperawareness of his surroundings to battle. Eventually, firearms and even more advanced melee weapons are likely to be abandoned, for the sake of killing with his hands, teeth, and perhaps even his own latent psychic power. [i]Appearance[/i]: As described above, much of the Xth Primarch's form is distinctly dragon-esque in looks. However, his body is still far from unrecognisable as human. Indeed, underneath the scales and teeth, he is almost average in appearance, at least for somebody destined to become an 11 foot tall wall of muscle with limited interest in self-grooming; but at rest, he bears quite unremarkable dark-brown hair, tied together into wide, pointed locks for the sake of keeping its length out of his eyes, and his skin tone is a distinct tan blend averaging about every tone one might find within baseline humanity, with scarring to spare too. Of course, in more extreme environments that demand it, his skin tone is likely to shift drastically - but strangely, so too does his hair colour, seemingly shifting colour with no shedding. It may be that his musculature and even skeletal height change swiftly yet subtly too, in appropriate circumstances; if so, it'd likely be impossible to claim no psychic power was involved, but regardless, he is not consciously aware of these changes as they happen. [i]Concept[/i]: Survivalist - The Xth Primarch was designed with extremely malleable DNA bases, essentially mixing together a great many Terran animals to provide, at least in due course, whatever biological tools he might need to survive even on the harshest of worlds, and from there to engage in whatever activities were necessary to convert that world into a planet suitable for habitation by humans. [/hider] [hider=Legion X] [i]Legion Name[/i]: Pyre Raptors [i]Associated Primarch[/i]: X [i]Concept[/i]: [i]Blitzkrieg debellatio[/i] - Charging in on assault bikes, jetbikes, jump packs, and grav-vehicles, the Xth Legion is designed with the intent to crush opposition in an overwhelming wave of destruction, typically through the application of intense heat. Promethium, plasma, phosphor, and even phosphex are all close to standard issue for this Legion, for their purpose in war is not merely to defeat their foes, but annihilate them utterly before they can so much as prepare to strike back - and ideally before they can even understand that they have just been reduced to nothing more than ash. Though of course, they inherit their Primarch's drive to follow up by revitalising the sites they have devastated, rendering them suitable once more for humans to start living and building in. [/hider]