[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995160548847145021/1034614599561003048/unknown.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995160548847145021/1034622142232395796/unknown.png[/img][/center] [hr] Desmond rubbed the back of his head as he walked the streets of Ersand'Ernise with 2 other males in front of him, they all wore thick fitted grey pants, white tough white coats, and each had a long grey cape that signified who they were, Lamplighters. Yet unlike Desmond who seemed to walk calmly and easily, however, the two walking in front of him seemed like they walked like kings. Their steps were firm and their eyes seemed almost like they look down on others, yet it seemed like they were watching for something, waiting. As Desmond finally pulled out his scroll tube to look at his schematics from the guns he got from the Sirrahi. He was beginning to figure out now possible chemicals needed for now propulsion, and he was struggling with something very important that the bullets seem to do, by striking the back of the metal casing it ignites the gunpowder and then shoots the bullets out. Desmond has been thinking about what he could do for such a thing, he's tried gunpowder, he's tried different chemicals, yet nothing seemed to be as good as the Sirrahi tech other than his own magic. Yet he wishes to recreate it to lower the burden he will need to use his weapon, yet as he starts to think about what he could do or who he could go to for this. Desmond sighed as he looked until a yell resounded in Desmond's ears as his head whipped up and saw something as he rushed over while throwing his scrolls into his satchel and yelling, [color=gold]"Hey what the hell are you doing?!"[/color] As there looms his two patrolling partners, one with a wooden cudgel in hand as there is a smaller male cowering on the ground as he holds his head as blood pours out. Desmond pushes them out of the way yelling, [color=gold]"What the fuck?!"[/color] As Desmond goes down to check on the man, he was maybe a little under the height of a man his age, maybe similar in height and size to Silas. Desmond whipped around and demanded an answer once more, [color=gold]"Why did you hit him?! What did he do?!"[/color]. His partners looked to him smugly as they said, [color=lightblue]"Stopping a thief. You see his grubby hands had an apple, obviously, he stole it"[/color]. Desmond then shoves the man who said that back as finally they saw Desmond's full size. Desmond quite often seems unimposing, almost everything about him is average, he was pretty good looking however other than that he was average and even thin looking because of his clothing and build. Yet now, he seemed to almost loom over them, his height was slightly above average making him tall enough to look down upon the one he is talking to as his age made him taller while he stands chest to chest with the boy. And at that moment, Desmond's eyes looked sharp and cold as there seemed to be something dark and looming. Both of the Lamplighters seemed to almost draw and fill in response to his aggression, yet Desmond seemed too calm, as his body seemed to even become a lower and lower energy source yet it flared with energy, as he drew from his own internal energies to seem almost invisible while flaring his own manas. Something hard to understand in just a moment. Yet that was not what scared them it was when Desmond looked down to the man and met his eyes while saying, [color=gold]"Do something"[/color]. Both shivered as Desmond stood there before he pointed to the Lamplighter he isn't looking at, [color=gold]"You will Heal him and continue our route. I am taking this one back to be turned in. I will be back in 10 minutes, you better be doing your job [i]correctly[/i]"[/color]. The Lamplighter he was pointing to seemed to stand still watching in fear until Desmond turns and barks, [color=gold]"Go!"[/color] As the Lamplighter kneels down and begins to heal the boy before heading off. Desmond turned back to the lamplighter he is looking at as he says to the young man who was hit behind him, [color=gold]"Hey kid are you okay?"[/color]. The boy said with a soft voice, [color=green]"Yes sir"[/color]. Desmond then turned to him and said with a smile, [color=gold]"That's good, you get along now, you should clean yourself up when you get a chance"[/color]. Desmond then looked back and grabbed the arm of the man he is looming over and says, [color=gold]"Come on"[/color]. As they left the area, they felt eyes looming on them as they all saw what happened, most would have never seen nor cared until someone made light of it, and now? They all looked as if they witnessed something despicable, something as if a crime was committed. The Lamplighter felt the pressure looming on him, he has never felt this, he was always the one right, the one in power, and now? He is being dragged in by a [i]Commoner[/i], a low-born man who is here for the money. He was now being treated like some criminal like he was a commoner who committed a crime. This is the position Desmond should be in, not him! As the man thought as they walked, yes, as a Noble he shouldn't be here, this is the place of a [i]Commoner[/i]. As the boy attempted to start manipulating the chemical energy within Desmond he felt his grasp slowly working in, yet the moment he tried to tug any which way, he felt electrical energy fill him and shock his system violently as he let out a yell. Desmond sighed as he shook his head, he was ready for anything, and this? This was way too easy to see as Desmond goes to grab the man's head and looked him in the eyes while saying, [color=gold]"Smart move, Dumbass"[/color]. As Desmond brought his fist back and punched the boy across the face as the Lamplighter's lights were put out.