[i][b]- The Woods -[/b][/i] [color=fff79a]"Thats funny, some white guy.... sounds like most of this silly country." [/color]Fable was laughing at that comment. She herself was a mix of French and American, along with the whole Greek bloodline of course. [color=fff79a]"Ah sure sure, I can teach you archery. I am one of the best in the Apollo cabin."[/color] The girl winks before humming and heading back towards the camp. She put her bow back into its hidden form, a bronzed metal hair claw clip with flame colored jewls. Her hair was quickly twisted and pinned up with the clip. Looking like a perfect bun. [color=fff79a]"Ah, seems Kitty is actually not sitting alone....Odd an Athena kids talking to her thats not Annabeth."[/color] [i][b]- The Lake -[/b][/i] Kitty stared into the water, watching the floating seaweed at the bottom and the fish swimming by. [color=00a99d]"Right....right.... Ill try not to force things. Im sure I'll find somebody."[/color] She nodded calmly before running a hand through her mess of curly locks. [color=00a99d]"Ehe, okay. Ah...being alone for a moment would be nice. Um thanks for talking to me. Usually your siblings give me the cold shoulder."[/color]