Quinn shook her head, and her voice began to level out. "[color=ffe63d]No, never. She's never hurt me. We just...[/color]" She paused. How would she describe what it was like talking to [color=black]Quinnlash?[/color] She shrugged helplessly. "[color=ffe63d]...We just talk. About all kinds of things. What I think, how I feel about stuff. And she really wants to know why I feel the way I do too.[/color]" She paused to collect herself. "[color=ffe63d]She talks too, about people mostly. My—[/color]" Her voice strained, "[color=ffe63d]—[i]them[/i], she talks about [i]them[/i]—the people on the station, Doctor Follen...all kinds of things.[/color]" She looked between Dahlia and Besca and a ghost of a smile flittered across her face for the barest fraction of a second before it was crushed back down. "[color=ffe63d]She likes you both a lot. She got mad.[/color]" "[color=ffe63d]Like the last time we talked, it was right before the duel, we talked about—[/color]" Her eye snapped wide like she'd just remembered something very important, bounced back between the two of them again. How had she forgotten? [i]How[/i] could she have let herself forget? Another searing shot of guilt lanced down through her veins. Her voice, so recently settled, began to tighten again. "[color=ffe63d]—[i]Roaki![/i] Is she—how is—did Dahlia—[/color]" Her head whipped back to Dahlia, mouth immediately dry. "[color=ffe63d]Did you—oh god—[i]where is she?[/i][/color]"