You say you love me? How can that be true? You don't know me, you don't know [i]anything [/i]about me. You say you love me, yet you never [i]saw [/i]me before now. You say you love me, yet you [i]hurt [/i]me. Do you know what it's like, to [i]feel [/i]what you did? The tearing, the brutality - the echo of having part of yourself carved out by a hundred tonnes of metal and fire? Isabelle's senses resonate within the facility. She feels the [i]Kathresis [/i]as it tears through level after level - and with that warning, she's already watching as you soar up above her on wings of white flame. Her eyes snap to you even as you target lock activates. And her hand reaches out to you ... In a practiced gesture. It's instinct, it's reaction before thoughts. It's imagination, running scenarios through her mind again and again so that when, against all rationality, the scenario comes true, the pathways are well trodden. Cloud! At her command, the nanobots around her burst forth from the floors and walls, shredding metal and material - and the [i]Enkindler [/i]disappears behind a shimmering veil right before your beam can strike home. [i]Hide! Defend! Protect![/i] The floors themselves reform and shift, throwing themselves in the way of your missiles. [i]Stop![/i] Do you see her now, Solarel? In the flittering glimpses you get between explosions and smoke? She's moving. She's dancing. She's coming to you. Weaving amongst the flames and the missiles that remain. Dodging them by hairs and breaths as she gets closer and closer. Do you see her now? How she moves? It's not the same as the Trelesani did previously. It's not like any other creature you know. Terenian, Hybrasillan, Zaldarian - something is off about the way your opponent runs. Isabelle wouldn't be able to explain it either - she's just listing to her blood, which now sings in red and silver. The facility begins bombarding you with transmissions - old geists broadcasting on whatever they can - new spamware from Terenius - some strange audiobook about a woman and her mecha - all these things and more begin to flood your receivers and sensors. Do you hear her now? Do you hear her calls amidst all that white noise? Or are you so fixated on the fight, the thrust, the sword, that you have no mind to spare for the tinny voice buried in those transmissions - a plea to stop? Tell me, Solarel, what do you see and hear? And ... do you [i]like [/i]it? [Rolling to entice 6 + 2 - 2 = [b]6[/b] - unfortunately, Isabelle's conditions make it a fail. Have at her Thanqol!]