After rubbing her nose a bit and looking over their haul, laying sprawkled out on the counter, Brandy eventually pulled up the cute (but most definetely unsanitary) dress. "So, old timer! What's this one do?" Brandy asked excitedly, apparently having forgotten all about Alice's previous explanation. [color=lime]"That..."[/color] The old clerk stated, while taking his scrying glass and giving the garment a once-over. [color=lime]"... is a completely mundane dress."[/color] He stated, matter-of-factly. "Y-you sure? It's not got some kinda wacky, super-awesome and 'totes useful magicky-sauce in it?" [color=lime]"Afraid not, miss."[/color] The dryas-dry wall-shop attendant stated, not seeming to be in the mood to make idle chatter with his customers. "Aww... That's a bummer." Brandy said with a slight pout, looking down at the dress while her ears drooped. After hearing Alice ask if she wanted any of the stuff though, the satyress started intently at all their booty. And Alice's and Sofia's booties... For some reason... Before finally plucking the snazzy ring. "This one! The old guy said it had some magic to make things hurt you less, yeah? So if I have this, those magic balls that the short-stuff was firing off wouldn't hurt so bad, right?" It was amazing. Brandy actually understood what a magical enchantment did? Perhaps there was hope yet. As for the rest of their collection, she seemed indifferent, suggesting only that Sofia keep the monocle because it [i]looked cool[/i] on her, and suggesting that Alice keep the robe for use as a washcloth or cleaning rag. Interestingly, with the money they'd make if nobody else in their group would want to keep any other items, the girls could probably afford some neat and handy new gear! Perhaps not a full, decked-out set of armor and weapons with mystic enchantments that would make any reincarnated hero from another world green with envy, but at least they would be able to pick up [i]some[/i] cool new stuff... Like maybe a weapon that was more than a wooden club with metal spikes in it for Brandy? Or a bigger potion bag for Alice? Or a larger quiver for Sofia? Or sexy new underwear!?! The possibilities were endboobs... Err, I mean, endless! Also, Brandy had started meandering about the shop, looking at all the odds and bobs around, laughing when she saw a minitaure gargoyle statuette and being confused by a wooden rubic's cube-like puzzle-doodad. It seemed that, as far as she was concerned, their business here was all but done. Only thing left was to finalize sales and get on with what remained of the day.