And here's my 1st character! Already approved in the PMs. [hider=The Reluctant Healer] [center][img][/img][/center] [u]Name:[/u] Einer Devaron [u]Race:[/u] Human [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Age:[/u]20 [u]Magic Divination:[/u] Thaumaturgy and Galdr (the latter is mostly unused) [u]Abilities:[/u] Einer casts his magic by playing various music with his lyre. [list][*][b]Song of Este[/b] - By playing a mellow and peaceful tune, all those who can hear it feel their pain disappear and their wounds close up slowly. Perfect for those recovering in healing wards or those healing from injuries after a fight. [*][b]Song of Yavanna[/b] - By playing an inspiring tune, albeit quietly near its target, grievous injuries and deep cuts are healed until the flesh was as if undamaged. Only one target must hear the song for the magic to take effect, which is why this must be played quietly. [*][b]Song of Vana[/b] - This tune evokes emotions of safety and confidence, and that is because all those who hear it are protected from minor curses cast on them. Works best against area-of-effect curses. [*][b]Song of Nienna[/b] - A song of pure sorrow and misery that actually helps purge any curse from an afflicted. The song is long and the target afflicted must hear the whole music for the curse to be lifted. May require several replays depending on curse strength. [*][b]Song of Varda[/b] - A song of celebration that cleanses an area of Miasma. Monsters and other Miasma beings are angered by this melody and will seek out the source and destroy it, mostly ignoring everything else. [b]Summon Kastul[/b] A draconic familiar of Einer that he never bothered to call forth again after the first summoning due to personal reasons. It was only named Kastul when Einer's child sister screamed out the word when it was summoned. [b]Martial Arts[/b] Einer isn't defenseless in close-quarter combat. He knows some moves to take down enemies who gets too close.[/list] [u]Equipment:[/u] [b]Einer's Lyre[/b] - A master-crafted instrument made specifically to project Einer's magical abilities to the fullest. Commissioned by Einer's family. [b]Iron Knuckles[/b] - For when Einer needs to get down and dirty. Like he always wanted. [u]Brief Background:[/u] Born to a noble family in Flugell, Einer was not like other boys growing up. His form was more feminine, slender and graceful. His skin was smooth and unblemished, he was beautiful... the beauty of a woman. So much so that he had been mistaken as a girl multiple times in his life, even from his own family who knew he was born a boy. Outwardly, Einer politely waved this off but inside, he resented this view of him. Resented himself for being born with such a body. But perhaps a show of abilities and heroic deeds could change his image into a manlier one, Einer thought. Alas, his only callings in magic were in Thaumaturgy, the magic of healing and staying behind the frontlines, and in Galdr, where you ask something else to defend you or fight for you. Try as he may, Einer could excel in no other field of magic. Fortunately, he decided to hone his Thaumaturgy over the years anyway, just to not let down his family. However, his draconic familiar was forgotten after the first summoning. With that avenue closed, Einer decided to try more physical combat. A fruitless venture too, as Einer's body was not suited for strenuous exertion of physical effort. Lifting and holding a sword in a stance already proved too much for Einer, so most trainers recommended he use his fists instead. Although, he was told not to rely on it too much and simply focus on his magical talents. However, Einer's pride and desire for change had not given up yet. When it was time for him to head out, Einer went to the Magus Association in Morgenrote to become Reaver. He did not find the answers he was looking for back home, so perhaps he can find them here. [/hider]