[quote=@Dragonfly 9] Sounds pretty cool! :D I'll probably do that, then. Honestly, though, I'm pretty interested in how the dynamic between the teen and their schizophrenia would play out. I'm assuming that the teens are at least 18, yes? So, if the teen is male, then that means that the teen has had to deal with schizophrenia for three years. How would their relationship play out, when the teen has resented their schizophrenia for years at this point and now has to deal with them somehow becoming sentient? There's also the point that the schizophrenia could cease becoming, well, schizophrenia at some point in the sentience process, and basically end up as a small child that the teen would have to become a guardian/friend/big brother to. How would the teen handle that, and slight tangent, but how would the schizophrenia deal with slowly losing control over the teen's mind? Overall, I'm excited to answer all these questions, and also hear your thoughts, of course. [/quote] Yeah, around 17-18 since they just graduated high school. And yeah, you could use the schizophrenia almost as a separate personality, like a fictive in someone with DID. For instance, you could say the biggest symptom of the teen's disorder is that he keeps seeing and hearing a fictional character that isn't there, like maybe a favorite adventurer in films or something. And then once he has shrunk down and has been exposed to the growing magic in himself, it begins to cure the part of his brain that is causing the misfires in his neurological activity that trigger hallucinations/delusions/psychosis. But the magic could also give a spark of life to that character he kept seeing, turning it into a fictive personality within the new gland he has been subconsciously gathering matter into, sort of like a second, mini-brain. I don't know how much you know about DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly called Split Personality Disorder), but here's a video explaining what Fictives are. In the case of your character, since it's Schizophrenia and not DID, it wouldn't be exactly the same, but it still gives a good idea of the term: [youtube]https://youtu.be/pvWiPrd5xy4[/youtube] [quote=@Crimson Flame] I have autism and ADHD, and it probably bleeds over into my characters, but I’m not going to confirm Conner has it to. [/quote] I have never been officially diagnosed with anything as an adult, but I do exhibit symptoms of Autism/Asperger's and ADHD as well, in addition to OCD and Bipolar Disorder. And likewise, it probably bleeds into my characters too XD.