[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/772709776295067648/967582818458828860/V2.jpg[/img] The experience with Roma left Valeria mentally exhausted. She'd give quick goodbyes and think over her actions while getting herself isolated from the faculty and student body. Great worry at what she might become filled her heart, and Roma's words had dug deeper under her skin than she cared to admit. In these moments of doubt, Valeria yearned to busy herself with her hands. She could not sit idle and let these unpleasant thoughts assault her. She knew of the planned sleepover the students were arranging to take part in soon and decided they would need a space to do it. [i]I can be the big hero of the kinder I always wanted to be. I can prove Roma's words wrong and maybe earn another Ozma kiss. It's too tempting to ignore![/i] So, the work began. Valeria chose the spookiest location to fit for the soon to be Halloween setting. The old music room that hadn't been used for years and was doing little but collecting cobwebs and scaring the younger students was the first big step. Barging down the door with a construction hat on her head and one of her hands turned into a sledgehammer and the other a drill, it was time to excitedly get to work! --- Valeria had really outdone herself this time. The classroom had been eradicated and rebuilt in its entirety. Instead of brick and mortar it is stone and cement that creates large round towers and massive walls that are neatly compact into a rectangular shape. From the outside of the academy, it appeared a small sized castle had just fallen in from the heavens and squashed one of the classrooms, replacing it. A large moat of ugly black slime instead of a river would mark the crossing from the school into the haunted castle proper. Across the drawbridge and into a splendid ornate hall with a long rolling red carpet and rich hanging chandeliers that appeared faded and ancient. Long windows with strange shadows behind them just out of view, towering empty knight statues that could come to life at any moment, and of course a few summoned bats to prowl around the place and make noise. Valeria had gone the extra mile and brought out her inner theme park tycoon player to bring out the classics. For the girls, they'd all have bedrooms they could share or use alone. Each one came with a large bed and dresser, plenty of festive outfits to match the occasion from royalty to knightly warriors. Valeria expected they'd want to wear their own costumes instead, however. There was a large courtyard full of some plants Val had quickly yoinked from the Academy courtyard, she figured the Ministry wouldn't mind. Her most proud creation is the long twelve foot wide pool she had managed to place in the center of the castle's courtyard, right in the middle. There's as many jack-o-lanterns as she could cram around to provide lighting, and the moon reflected down into the pool like the spirit of Halloween looking on with approval. [color=silver]"Vunderbah! This is perfect!"[/color] Valeria was covered in oil and dust, quickly rubbing her face with a rag to be less of a mess. [color=silver]"Now I've just got to invite the others."[/color] Soon the invitations are out for any interested and nearby magical girls to come over to the sleepover monster mash. [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/772709776295067648/1035725791977295954/unknown.png?width=387&height=612[/img]