[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] The vampire had yet to set off in search of someone willing to serve as the day's meal when she was saved the effort by someone coming to [i]her[/i] instead. Or, maybe, she had fallen into a light nap thinking about who might be more eager to comply on the start of their current break without falling back on the same few people--if preferable, she'd want to drink [i]more[/i] than merely necessary, and she didn't want to leave a small number of knights in a state of permanent anaemia. Whether she had been asleep or not was hard to tell with how fast Tyaethe seemed to recover, sitting up straight and tilting her head. Fionn wasn't a bad one to see; anyone so fervently devoted to the goddess was in her good books for a start... and his personality did remind her rather pleassantly of past friends. On the other hand, he was still far too new to the order to have much of a strong relationship, and she hadn't yet broached the topic of feeding on [i]him[/i]. So, her opinions on the man were still quite unformed. But they did not, yet, include an expectation that she would be approached by the man carrying both cake and some unidentified slice of pie. "Can I help you?" [@The Otter]