As Besca and Doctor Follen talked, Quinn relaxed some, releasing her grip on Roaki's wheelchair. Unspeakable relief flooded through her like a balm to the twin burns of anger and suspicion. Doctor Follen had tried his best to help Roaki, he just [i]couldn't[/i] because of the Board. And—he [i]was[/i] going to take measurements for prosthetics. And to hear him talk, maybe he would even— But Quinn cut herself off there. That would be too much, right? It was better not to get ahead of herself. But still, Doctor Follen was doing so much, had already [i]done[/i] so much even after they had tried to shut him down. She'd been silly to doubt him. He wasn't like that, and she was more confident than ever that he'd take good care of Roaki. So when he stood to say goodnight, she stepped in instead of out with Besca, slipped carefully between the wheelchair and the wall, and hugged him tight, tears already starting to fill her eye again. "[color=ffe63d]Thank you,[/color]" she squeaked out. "[color=ffe63d]You're the best.[/color]" She clung to him a moment more, eye closed, water seeping slowly into his shirt. When she released him it was sudden, and she once again rejoined Besca, gave him a wave with her eye dried. "[color=ffe63d]Goodnight, Doctor Follen![/color]" Then, "[color=ffe63d]You too, Roaki![/color]" But as the two of them walked back, she looked towards the ground. Not sharply, just a little bit, a pitch of her head slightly downwards as she mulled over something in her head. She'd made the decision to keep Roaki safe from that horrible place, and she'd thought that whatever the Board did to her would be worth it just so Roaki didn't have to suffer like that anymore. But what if the Board came after Besca and Doctor Follen instead? She hadn't thought about that. Thinking back to Roaki's face in that holding cell, she shuddered to imagine just [i]leaving[/i] her there. She couldn't have. It would just would be [i]cruel,[/i] crueler than she could ever stomach. But would they get punished for what she did? She wouldn't have [i]not[/i] helped Roaki. Couldn't have, or she would never have forgiven herself. But she was afraid now, afraid that something terrible would happen to two of the people she cared the most about in the whole world and it would be because of [i]her.[/i] So right as they reached the exit to medical where it joined with the commons, she slowed, then ground to a stop, clinging onto Besca's shirt as she did so. Quinn looked up at her, searching almost desperately for approval and security in her face. "[color=ffe63d]Did...did I do the right thing, Besca?[/color]"