[color=#CC50C4]O B A D A I C H I[/color] [hr] Daichi’s eyes were strained as he went over the same chapter of the textbook for the umpteenth time. While he knew in his rationale mind that he knew this material already, his emotional mind was shouting that he would forget all of these facts. The fear of not getting into the best university weighed heavily on Daichi. The amount of pressure he placed upon himself was starting to affect him physically. Daichi’s stomach was in knots from the stress, but that was quickly replaced by an overwhelming tiredness. This study session had gone on several hours longer than Daichi had planned. Anxiety was the only thing keeping him awake, but that feeling couldn’t prevail forever. As Daichi stared at the textbook, his vision blurred. His head then began to bob, Daichi having a hard time fighting the heaviness of his head. Before Daichi was even consciously aware of what was happening, he went headfirst into the textbook, darkness overtaking him as he entered a much needed state of sleep. After a dreamless sleep, Daichi’s eyes fluttered open. As Daichi once again entered consciousness, he was aware that his body wasn’t in pain or tired like most times he wakes up. In fact it seemed that he had a very restful sleep. It was as Daichi was enjoying the rested feeling in his body, did he notice he wasn’t in his room. In fact he wasn’t in any room. Instead he was laying on the ground amid dirt and grass. Jolting his upper body up, Daichi surveyed his immediate surroundings. There were a few other people near him, also in various states of waking up. There was a girl in a blue and red windbreaker who started walking toward something. As Daichi’s gaze shifted, he saw that she was headed for two small creatures. Daichi wasn’t sure if creatures was the right word. Maybe monsters? Either way Daichi believed that he was just having a weird dream. At least this dream was better than the one where he amounts to nothing in life and ends up homeless. But if this was a dream, it would’ve been the most lifelike dream Daichi had ever had. Usually his dreams had a hazy feel to them, with just rough scenes and flashes of images. But Daichi’s vision was clear, with everything in focus. This could of been any forest that Daichi had walked through, save the two pink creatures. Daichi then decided to get up, rising to his feet. This surprised Daichi as he had never been able to make a conscious decision in a dream. Of course he had heard of lucid dreaming, but for some reason Daichi’s intuition told him he wasn’t lucid dreaming. Daichi’s musings on dreams were interrupted by someone shouting, asking what the hell is going on. Daichi opened his mouth to answer, only to realize that he had no answer. Something strange and unknown was going on, and Daichi hated that he had no relevant knowledge for the situation. A decent ways away from Daichi another boy awakened. The red headed boy then began to shout many questions, but Daichi didn’t really take them in, figuring he would be of no use. Daichi’s anxiety began to peak. This wasn’t helped by the sound of movement in a nearby bush. Daichi then immediately wondered what other strange things existed wherever here was. Maybe those two pink fairy looking things were food for a massive predator. But then Daichi remembered that he should never assume anything without the facts to back it up. However, he was still at ease, so he grabbed a large stick off the forest floor. Daichi was ready to swing it to protect himself, only for a two foot tall worm thing to come out of the bushes. Daichi didn’t end up swinging the stick, instead analyzing the creature. It seemed to be an over-sized worm. It didn’t look scary, but more cute like to Daichi. The worm then opened its mouth and spoke, [color=#02B51A]“You’re a human?”[/color] Daichi was immediately thrown off that the creature could speak. This happening gave some more credence to the theory that this was a dream. But something nagged at the back of Daichi’s mind, making him believe that what he was seeing was the truth. [color=#CC50C4]“I’m human yes,”[/color] Daichi replied, [color=#CC50C4]“My name’s Daichi.”[/color] [color=#02B51A]“Well Daichi,”[/color] the worm replied with the closest thing she could make like a smile on her face, [color=#02B51A]“I’m DoKunemon. And you are now my servant.”[/color] This statement threw Daichi back. A servant to a bug monster with a strange name. If he didn’t know better he would think he was in an isekai anime. The few creatures that he had spotted could’ve been out of an anime, but they seemed way too lifelike for that. It was perplexing Daichi, a feeling he hated.