[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] "You'd be amazed at the number of people who assume that I have a predilection of going for the necks of defenceless maidens, for reasons I suspect are tied to tawdry minstrelsy. Stopping the bleeding isn't the real concern; I'd have to rip a throat out for it to not close, but there are other practical considerations." And the social ones, of course, it could be construed as something far different. No doubt why the stories had such an obsession with imagery like it. She adjusted her glasses before continuing, "Everyone gets asked eventually. It would be detrimental for the knights' continued health to focus on too small a pool, and the more who agree, the better prepared I can be in case of emergencies. You've simply arrived when I [i]need[/i] to find someone." "Now, are you willing to assist me? I won't turn you away if not, but I won't be able to assist with anything physical." Well, anything physical that didn't rely on finding the smallest person around. [@The Otter]