[center][color=#008b8b][h2]Fionn MacKerracher[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Raineh Daze] [hr] Fionn had sharp eyes, and neither the twitch nor the barest bit of reticence in moving didn't go unnoticed. [color=#008b8b]"Listen, even if you're holding it up for me, that's still an awkward position for both of us if I sit on the floor,"[/color] he grumbled, carefully transferring both plates to one hand, rolling up his sleeve, and walking over to sit next to the diminutive vampire. It sounded like the most she'd be taking would be about a pint, then; that shouldn't be too hard to deal with. Rest up, drink a lot of water or something else minimally intoxicating, stock up on the red meats and organ meats at dinner. And probably the spinach, if they had any. [color=#008b8b]"Ever develop any preferences for specific people's blood? There's gotta be taste and texture differences, like, same as with a cow depending what it's fed on lately."[/color] Might at least satisfy some of his random curiosity if he was going to experience some mild exsanguination by Tyaethe's fangs. He glanced forlornly down at the cake and the pie, neither of which he could really eat with a single hand without making some sort of mess. Hopefully it wouldn't take her too long, otherwise he'd wish he had a book or something else to occupy his attention.