The eyes that followed them back to the dorms were less hostile now, but still curious, confused. No one approached them, and those that drew too close received harsh stares from Besca that kept them at arm’s length. They returned to the dorms unbothered, but she knew come tomorrow there would be questions, and her answers would be unsatisfactory. “[color=gray]I’ve gotta go topside, try and preempt the storm of crap that’s coming. I’ll be back late, but I’ll see you two in the morning.[/color]” Besca hugged her again, and then left her at the door. Inside, Dahlia was waiting. She seemed a bit surprised that Quinn had come alone, but quickly forgot it, and came hurrying over. “[color=skyblue]Quinn I’m so sorry,[/color]” she said, speaking fast and high-pitched and written all over her face was a novel of guilt. “[color=skyblue]I didn’t—I shouldn’t have done that I just…I was…I saw her and you and I didn’t [i]really[/i] see her but I should have stopped and looked and I was being so ridiculous. You were being so nice and I just didn’t understand but that’s my fault it’s not your fault and—and—and—[/color]” She gasped in a breath, held it to think. This time she spoke slower. “[color=skyblue]I’m just really sorry. I’ve been…you just…you mean so much to me. I’ve been so worried about keeping you safe that I never stopped to think that I should be trying to [i]learn[/i] from you. That’s not an excuse, it’s just…it’s just how it is. I’ll do better. I’ll really, [i]really[/i] try.[/color]”