It took some time, but as Quinn continued to speak, she could see [color=black]Quinnlash[/color] was listening. Whether or not she was understand was impossible to tell, but gradually, that moodiness left her, and she stared blankly out at the water, at her lure which had yet to catch. Quinn couldn’t see beneath the surface, deep blue as it was past the sun’s reflection, but she might be forgiven for thinking there were hardly any fish at all today. Though her own line did tug now and then with the nibbles of hungry passersby. When she reached out and place her hand on [color=black]Quinnlash’s[/color] shoulder, the girl startled, just barely, and turned her head fully towards her. Black eyes wide, she stared between the hand, and Quinn’s face. Back and forth, slow and perplexed, as if she’d never been touched before. Not an entirely strange idea, all things considered. Eventually she turned back to the water. Her legs uncurled, and she came to sit naturally upon the railing again. The shadows slipped off her like water, leaving her dry and bright, though that light still didn’t quite touch her expression yet. She began to reel her line in again. “[color=black]I’m sorry I yelled at you,[/color] she said quietly. “[color=black]I don’t like being angry, it feels a lot like being scared. But Dahlia says you can still be brave when you’re scared. So maybe…maybe it’s the same with being angry. I still think we have to kill evil when we find it. That’s what we are. But…[/color]” Her line rose from the water. At the end was not a dull weight, but a hook whose bait was untouched. [color=black]Quinnlash’s[/color] brow furrowed. “[color=black]But maybe there’s not as much evil as we thought…[/color]”