[CENTER][h1][u]Stargaze[/u][/h1][/CENTER] Stargaze was so certain that she would be able to find the way to Echo's cave. The journey there proved to be another instance of the young drake realizing that she might be more sheltered than she realized. It was kind of funny to see Garrock get tangled in the vines, but that humor doesn't stay as it keeps happening. Her confidence rose a bit when the ground softened, indicating that they were getting closer. Unfortunately, they found themselves surrounded by rodent like creatures she had never seen before, and Garrock already received a terrible wound from them! She quickly answers Fellwing, "[b]It...shouldn't be far from here![/b]" At least, she hoped it wasn't. She wasn't too sure. They seemed familiar somehow, and that surprised her. She didn't remember ever seeing these things before! Echo hadn't even mentioned anything like this either. Maybe she could scare them off? She thought it best to try and let out a great roar like the Elders had done. She inhaled as much air as possible, and prepared herself to give a loud roar to scare off the rats. Sadly, it didn't go as planned. Instead of a roar coming out, something gets caught in her throat. In that moment, there's a high pitched squeak from her throat (more akin to a squeaky chew toy), before coughs and hacks. [hider=OOC][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/24371]Act Despite Danger: 6[/url][/hider]