[hider=REWORKED TWINS] [b]Name:[/b] Amunal and Slynn [b]Legion:[/b] The Hordes of Enlightenment (The Undying Onslaught prior to Primarch recovery) [b]Homeworld:[/b] Asclepius and Brahm The former is a world of high technologies and thought. With every facet of daily life managed by the most advanced of artificial intelligence, every man and woman lives a life of almost unprecedented luxury. It is thus that the only duty that everyone finds themselves having is to simply study ethics, philosophy, and technologies such that when they matured they will spend their days discussing and debating the matters of ethics in global assemblies. At the dusk of each day, any and all consensuses on ethics will be assembled and passed onto the High Polymaths who input them into the firmware of the billions of AI systems on the planet. Part of their bounty however, comes at the expense of the world of Brahm. This is the world upon which Slynn landed. Located within the same system, Brahm is a world that is medieval at best. Containing practitioners of the arts of the warp, they lost the civil war of their solar system many thousands of years ago and have since been artificially reduced to a backwards state. Several times a year, great raids of the drukharii will arrive in their system, a tithe taken after Asclepian robotshunt down mightier psykers and leaders to ensure the world cannot make any meaningful resistance to the dark eldar who whisk away the people therein. For this service, the dark eldar leave Asclepius untouched, and indeed even pick away at passing Ork Waaaghs for more fodder in their arenas. This world is the one upon which Amunal landed. [b]Psyker Grade:[/b] Iota [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] The twins both possess a common set of abilities. For one, their fluid metallic skin gives them a particular resilience against more mundane strikes where more fleshy skins would struggle. Their surface similarly gives them some degree of chameleonic property, wherein they can shift their surface to represent a person of any race, culture, age, sex and other trait. Perhaps their most important trait is their astounding logic and intuition, traits given nurture to compound their nature in their homeworld of great intellect and technology. From first principles they can derive and understand nigh any knowledge they come across from the understanding of the extraordinary biology of an alien, to the complex law system of a new culture, to a piece of archaeotech encountered, to discerning the most expertly crafted of lies. This however has a notorious exception in any matter of the warp. Whenever they try to comprehend the incomprehensible, this creates an almost fatal confusion that will debilitate them for a great time. This effect is also observed when either of the twins finds themselves having believed a falsehood, their skin melting away as they writhe and suffer in a manner proportionate to the untruth they accepted. The twins lack any discernible true psychic power. However they bear what one might consider a pseudo-psionic strength, in what is usually dubbed “The Voice.” Their actual utterances bear power. While this can be expressed in a manner as mundane as their words being far more convincing to a subject than what is merited, more complex expressions appear too. Machines can find themselves soothed of scrapcode infection or a more biological plague may be excised from a mortal. If worst comes to worst, it could be harnessed to simply burst blood vessels by shear volume, and force the minds of mortal men to shut down as they accept inferiority, their words having an influence as pressing as any physical force like gravity. [b]Appearance:[/b] The appearance of the Twins is somewhat indefinite owing to the nature of their fluid skins, their natural form being androgynous beings of smooth and nearly toneless features of a silvery, poreless, hairless cover. The Emperor designed them so such that they may morph themselves to represent a person of any possible human phenotype. Typically however they will represent their home culture. [b]Concept:[/b] The Twins of the Hordes of Enlightenment are primarchs that represent what many would consider the ultimate goal of the Imperium; a life of reason, logic, of mankind always seeking to improve upon itself and achieve it true potential. But, at the same time they represent both the hypocrisy in the Imperium’s stated goals by virtue of the means they achieve what they seek, as well as demonstrating the arguable futility of the Imperium’s efforts in the results of their work never truly reaching the aim. [/hider]