[color=00aeef]May Galaxy[/color][hr] The human girl stopped as the pink monster bearing a heart on its chest threw something to the other pink creature and began talking. Everything was fine until she noticed something rather... conspicuous. "You're in the digital world now - I've been told it's a dimension parallel to yours, and dependent on yours as well for its existence. It's quite odd to think about - imagine if instead I'd said your world was dependent on ours. But I digress. I, my sister, that Frimon, and that DoKunemon, we're all digimon, the dominant lifeform of this world. I have no idea how you got here - humans are said to be summoned, and I don't know who could've summoned you. It may be why you were all unconscious though." That's what the creature, er, digimon, had said, right? That and 'humans have digimon partners,' and most importantly: 'not all digimon are peaceful.' May was shocked at how quickly the cre-... digimon, had explained something so important. But it raised too many questions. [color=00aeef]"Hey."[/color] she began as she once against started walking towards the two pink digimon. [color=00aeef]"If this is a parallel world to ours, how do you know about humans at all? Why do you know about us but we don't know about you? What are digimon? Why does your world depend on ours? If this is the 'digital world,' are we inside a computer, or the internet?"[/color] She finally stopped a few feet in front of the two digimon. [color=00aeef]"If this is a 'digital' world, can it be altered by computers? What are those things you're holding, and most importantly..."[/color] May crouched down on one knee, her hands still in her pockets and her gaze set squarely on the digimon that had explained their situation. [color=00aeef]"What's your name, little one?"[/color] The other digimon nudged the one with the heart on its chest, and May asked her final question. [color=00aeef]"What's the rush?"[/color]