[COLOR=B42639][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1013021738088550531/1013021790655762452/oracle.png[/img][/center] [indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][I]Midway City,[/I] - [I]Michigan[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Episode #3:[/b] [COLOR=darkgray][I]The War Room[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub] [INDENT][color=#de184b][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=darkgray][I][@Omega Man] - The Shield | [@Birdboy] - Shuriken | [@Hillan] - Accelerate | [@Damo021] - Flamebird | [@YourNameHere] - Apparition | [@Blizz] - Shattercrash | [@PapaOso] - Sacrifice | [@Mistress Dizzy] - Origami | [@Zaibatsu] - Gravitas | [@rocketrobie2] - Chemaxzord[/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Post #3.05:[/b] [COLOR=darkgray][I]Where Is My Super Suit?[/I][/COLOR][/right][/SUP][/color][/indent] The mission had ended in failure. Well, not a total failure. They managed to get people out, but the bad guy got away, making them look bad. They didn't work together as a team. Hell, one of their own attempted to obliterate the entire building with all of them inside. Did she blame her? If Kennedy was being honest with herself? Yeah. She understood that Shattercrash needed to do that so she didn't get severely injured, but there was another factor. And how long did it take the girl to decide to save her own life at the risk of everyone else? Perhaps she was looking too much into it. The fact of the matter was...for their first mission, they all sucked. Kennedy felt a burning shame that didn't dissipate, even when they made it back to the Tower. She more or less kept to herself. She felt sad at not handling things properly, mad that no one listened to each other, and above all...she kind of wanted to go back home and quit playing the hero. [hr] To top off how crappy she was feeling, Blitz's father pulled him away. Kennedy didn't even get to say goodbye. She understood, of course, even if it was unfair. Following the others to the War Room, she listened as Cyborg and Arsenal outlined what they would be doing. She felt even worse about herself. Her powers were not combat-intuitive. Turning invisible made for good stealth and defense and seeing the future was great for predicting outcomes, but she had never considered how she would use it in a combat scenario. Thankfully, she at least had some time to think on it as Shattercrash and Shuriken opted to head in. Kennedy eyed the suit-making procedure with awe. It was kind of awesome to see a super suit made in an instant based on the user's desires. She hadn't thought about what kind of suit she would want. Once the two went to the War Room to prep for their simulation, Arsenal called for someone else to try the digitizer. Kennedy glanced around, seeing if anyone would jump at the chance. She raised her hand. [color=B42639]"I'll do it."[/color] She made her way towards it, eyeing Arsenal in case he told her to not even bother. But he hadn't so she stepped up. She closed her eyes and pictured what suit she would want. She wanted something that would be good for stealth, but also had some flair to it. She pictured a skintight black and gray suit with pink trim and a pink mask to cover her identity. The suit was made of a mix of leather and cotton, offering movement when needed, but mild protection. It served as some defense, but she would have to rely on her powers more to make use of it. Once the image was set in her mind, the digitizer set to work. She stepped out once it was done and looked at her outfit. She had to admit, it made her feel the tiniest bit better. She still felt like this was a waste for her since she was not combat-ready, but she looked the part. [color=B42639]"Well, what do you think?"[/color] she asked no one in particular. She stepped over to the viewing screens to get ready to watch Shattercrash and Shuriken duke it out. She expected Shattercrash to run with it, but she was open to being surprised.