[i]The Woods...[/i] Lorna had NO IDEA how to feel when Fable winked at her. Maybe it really was time for some self reflection. Her face was bright red as Lorna followed after her friend, her sword at the ready in case anything jumped out at them. Part of Lorna did wish for the earth to swallow her whole. That would've been nice. She tried not to stare too much when Fable put her hair up into a perfect bun, and she tried not to think about how beautiful the gems of the clip looked when the light caught them. When they made it to the edge of the woods, where they could look out and see Kitty sitting on the shore, Lorna was surprised to see Kitty sitting with one of the Athena kids - someone who Lorna instantly recognized. [color=fdc68a]"Oh woah, I didn't know that she was friends with Nadja - I'm friends with her because her grandpa always insists on her inviting me over for the High Holidays - but I didn't know that Kitty was friends with her,"[/color] Lorna quickly explained. Lorna and Nadja had bonded over their identities as Jewish demigods, although they weren't super close, they were friends. Lorna had found Nadja intimidating at first - she still did, really. [i]The Lake...[/i] Nadja nodded, smiling ever so slightly at Kitty's comment about the Athena children usually being somewhat hostile. [color=silver]"My siblings are stupid,"[/color] Nadja said bluntly. [color=silver]"I'm not my mother and you're not your father. So for now, I don't have a problem with you,"[/color] she explained. [color=silver]"Although that could change, so be on your toes, Kitty,"[/color] she joked, attempting to bring a bit of levity back in. Nadja knew that she tended to be overly serious at times and could intimidate people who didn't know her, and she didn't need this brokenhearted girl worried about Nadja being out to get her. She then gave Kitty a wave, before heading off - she needed to tidy up her space in Cabin Six today anyways. And she was sure she'd end up finding something else to do. Maybe she'd grab one of the unsolved puzzles and spend the rest of the day until dinner working on it.