[i][b]- Woodland Boarder -[/b][/i] [color=fff200]"Shes never mentioned it.... Im like her BFF. So maybe Nadja was just near by and noticed Kittys sad attitude written all over her face."[/color] Fable explains while tapping a finger to her cheek. "Cause those Athena kids never talk to Kitty unless its for Capture the flag!" She tilted her head a bit.[color=fff200] "High Holiday? Never heard of that before.... Only heared about uh Hanuka? Thats like a Jewish thing right? Did... Did I say it wrong?"[/color] The Southern Belle was raise.... in a cult. So when she first came to Camp Halfblood she was confused about a lot of things. Other religions that weren't about worshiping the Cult Leader like a Greek God himself seemed rather silly for a long [b]long[/b] time. Even more so that she didn't have to wear the same clothing all the time, she could finally put on something other than a pale blue dress with black little heels. So slowly over the years she learned about Catholics, Piegans, Jews, the Amish. Learning about fashion, movies, pop culture as well. [i][b]- The Lake -[/b][/i] [color=00a99d]"I know. I don't have a problem with you or your siblings truly....But I know sometimes we can't stop having a little war between us all due to our godly parents."[/color] She laughed a bit while shaking her head. [color=00a99d]"Lets hope I don't get on your bad side." [/color] The girl waves gently before deciding to go fully into the salty water, she could swim until dinner, usually the Naiads would let her know when it was time. Plus being alone in the water was always soothing after a bad day. Nothing but fish and other creatures, no sound besides the soft sway of the water moving around her.