[@Ryik] Mina was awakened by something horrific happening, standing up in her bed with sweat running down her face. Partially glad she was awoken from the nightmare she was having. In the nightmare, she was duelling someone with everyone in the academy watching them. Her parents were in the audience, with the whole crowd jeering at her. She was losing the duel, and before she was given the death blow by her opponent she woke up. “[color=0054a6][i]What the hell was that?[/i][/color]” She looked over at her spirit partner, who was equally as confused as her. “[b]I felt something terrible had happened..[/b]” The spirit floated over towards the window. Mina jumped out of her bed and towards her spirit partner. “[b]I do not know, but i felt something as well.[/b]” Her spirt was now floating towards Mina. Mina walked over towards Rin, who was sleeping soundly in her bed. “[color=0054a6][i]Rin, wake up. I need to talk to you.[/i][/color]” Mina was shaking Rin violently.