[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] "Well, I can't offer any assistance there," Tyaethe said, leaning back into the mound of cushions and making a vague gesture, "Everything I do is too mana intensive, and the least draining thing I can do has no combat application at all." There was another example of that ominous red shadow flowing over the vampire, but it dissipated almost immediately to leave... well, it was still the same girl, just with about a decade in age and a rather disappointing few inches more in height. If anything, despite the much sharper cast to her features, she looked even [i]less[/i] knightly than normal; the change in figure obviously contradictory to her overly-acrobatic approach to combat. "There have been various magic-using knights down the years, I'm sure some of them wrote more general tips down, if you can find someone willing to instruct you in the basics of magic. I'm sure Parv left [i]something[/i]... although he was equally heavy on mana usage. Maybe the principles would come in handy?" [@The Otter]