[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img] Word Count: 961 (+2 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]3[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 44/30 [b]Location[/b]: Dystopiascape - Leaving Gutsford [hider=LEVEL UP!]New Power: [b]Upperdash Arm.[/b] An Arm-type weapon that fits over the entire limb, used mainly for melee damage that can be deployed in two ways: Smash-style where it can be briefly summoned for a fast forward dash and uppercut that plows through attacks and projectiles to deal significant damage and heavy knockback, or Uprising-style where it replaces Pit's currently equipped weapon. When in Uprising-style it keeps it's forward dash attack and gains the ability to fire short-range discs and a back-dash charge shot that sends foes flying into the air, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks. Both dash attacks have a short recovery period, instead leaving Pit vulnerable if he whiffs. ***[/hider][/center] While Gutsford couldn't exactly be described as a sleepy town, it also wasn't anywhere close to a noisy metropolis. So when there came a hellish scream from back in the direction Pit had originally come from, it was impossible not to hear. The sudden noise spooked him from his leisurely exploration of the city and he jumped to attention. A signal from Princess Peach! And it sounded like it'd come from the trade depot. Maybe she'd ended up there and came to the same conclusion he had about stowing away? Pit wasted no time in started back toward the depot, breaking into a run more in anticipation of moving on than with any sense of danger. When he arrived he found the majority of the Seekers already gathered there and... in various states of exhaustion. Plus there were some strangers with them, people who Pit could only assume were new allies. They were all scrambling up onto the tops of the trucks and Pit hopped up to join them as the vehicles began pulling away from the depot. The more frantic of the group started calming down, and Poppi made a comment that things had been getting dangerous. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"What happened?"[/color] he asked curiously, tilting his head. Obviously the others had a more exciting time in town than he did. The one to respond to his question was a newcomer, and the woman promised to fill everyone else in at a later point. She also mentioned they stay away from any "G-men," which Pit had no idea what she meant by that, and something about a chopper. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Chopper...?"[/color] he started to ask, the phrase only vaguely familiar to him due to mingling with people from other worlds semi-frequently. Then his face lit up as he realized what she was talking about. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Oooh are we gonna ride a helicopter into the city? So cool, like an action movie!"[/color] Of course that was putting aside that his own life was chock-full of action already, and he'd played the hero in it plenty of times. Enjoying the feeling of the wind, Pit looked ahead to Midgar towering in the distance and then around at the dry landscape. He barely had time to even think about making himself comfortable and getting more of the story about what the Seekers had been up to within Gutsford before his action movie wishes came true even sooner than expected. A school bus was hot on their tail. That was strange enough, but then an older man and a bunch of red-eyed weirdos in hats and coats climbed out from the hatch on top. [i]What's with these guys?[/i] Pit thought, though as usual no one responded to his thoughts. He fixed the newly arrived bus and it's passengers with an odd look right up until the man - who seemed to be in charge of that group - spoke up. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Under arrest?!"[/color] Pit squawked, completely taken by surprise. He expected some kind of villainous monologue, not that. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"You've got the wrong people, we're innocent!"[/color] he shouted back to Benedict, before rounding on the other Seekers and loudly whispering [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"What did you guys do?!"[/color] Unsurprisingly Pit's bid of innocence did not sway their pursuers especially with Giovanna's provocation. The crew backed away from the bus full of enemies as much as they could before the trench-coated men suddenly transformed. They'd given off a weird vibe before, but now it was doubly so. Their demonic forms ranged from the more humanoid to the strange, including a skull-faced angel and a devil on a toilet. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Gross!"[/color] he said, echoing Midna's feelings on the monster. They had boarded the rear trucks and spread out much like the Seekers had, with their heavy hitters in the front and their casters in the back. Getting around the vanguard had never been a problem for Pit before, and his bow was already forming in his hands. Light arrows whizzed by Karin, Midna, and the rest of the two front lines as they streaked around to target Atropos, Trumpeter, and Agathion. A few volleys to hopefully interrupt whatever spells they'd been planning to unleash just before the melee attackers moved in. And then a few more for good measure! Leaving the rest of the demons to the other Seekers for now he widened his target area to include Sandman, hopping up into the air a few times to get a better starting position for his arrows so they'd have an easier time zigzagging and arcing toward their targets. He'd thought it was going well until a poorly timed jumped ended with a [i]clang[/i] a sharp, if brief, pain in the back of Pit's head as he collided with an interstate sign posted over the roadway. [i]Owwww.[/i] He held in his little noise of pain and hopped back up after being momentarily knocked down. He noted that he'd seemed to have been sent sideways onto one of the other trucks, finding himself on the same one as Razputin. The psychic was engaged in his own battle already, and managed to trap the smallest of their foes with his power. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I'll take you up on that!"[/color] The angel told Raz. He had just the perfect move too, if the slight tingling in his arm was an indication that this particular power had come back to him at just the right time. Pit dashed forward toward Raz's captive, and as he did so his left arm shimmered until it was [url=https://i.imgur.com/IL8wPE9.png]fully encased[/url] in metallic red and gold, with a colorful disc at the end. He winded up his attack, bringing his arm low and then swinging it up toward Agathion. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Fore!"[/color] he shouted as the disc struck the suspended shadow and with a mighty crack sent the potted devil flying into the distance.