[hider=Uran Bodan] Name: Uran Bodan Legion: III, nicknamed ‘Skullcrushers’ by army soldiers. Homeworld: Naguia A fantastically beautiful world, Naguia’s beauty is not a quirk of nature: But a deliberate effect wrought by alien hands. The world is divided between the few city-states that managed to survive the Age of Strife relatively intact.These city-states hold a wealth of technology that makes their standard of living comparable with civilized worlds, with ancient and powerful weapons manning their towering walls to keep out the deadly fauna, and the occasional overly bold tribal warlord. The city-states consider a direct war too catastrophic, so when it cannot be avoided they fight at select, designated spots. Within the jungles and deserts of Naguia, roam the forgotten human tribes. Exiles from the city-states, bare survivors of the ancient fall, and a dozen other origins besides. These tribes battle it out for survival on a daily basis, managing each other and the terrible beasts that roam the land. Each tribe can vary wildly in difference, from those that are barely above being death cults who strive to kill everyone who are not them, to those who seek harmony with the land and its people. Tribes trade and war with each other as easily as they make peace. But if there is one spot on Naguia that all of its human inhabitants have agreed as a sacred, forbidden place, it is the Yoren mountain range. There, deep in those too-tall ancient mountains, dwell the mysterious Eldar. Exodites from another land are the most the human settlers have been able to gather, for the Eldar do not tolerate incursions of any sort into their land. Long ago, at the height of an empire, this world was crafted for them. When that empire fell, and the galaxy turned to chaos, it became their shelter. The human settlers were barely tolerated, but with the destruction of both their empires, they became prisoners on the same world. However, eldar fauna and human fauna have mixed to a near disastrous extent, leading to dangerous beasts roaming the land. Psyker Grade: Alpha + Skills/Abilities: While existing in the nebulous point beyond the rankings that straddle and strangle lesser psykers, Uran is nevertheless among the least powerful of those who hold the same ranking as he. The Chief of the Bodans focuses his attention, instead, on skill instead of simple brute force. Uran possesses the usual abilities often associated with primarchs, but there are a few areas where he desires true mastery beyond the nimble ease of understanding that comes naturally to primarchs. Sorcerer Supreme: Uran is capable indeed in the sorcerous arts, seeking to wield this most deadly of tools with as much skill as he can muster. The Bodan tribe may revere psykers, but they understand the dangers all too well, something which has been imparted upon Uran, who deeply desires to avoid the same destructive fates that have befallen countless other psykers. So he seeks to become not the most powerful, but the most skilled psyker. Scholar: A hoarder of knowledge, Uran seeks to pick apart the universe, to uncover every last secret, no matter how vast or small, and stitch it all back together. Uran is very capable in picking apart secrets and folding them together to gain some sort of greater whole, from understanding weapon arrays from simple fragments of ancient blueprints to devouring whole libraries and storing the knowledge within his own head. Survivalist: His upbringing in the Bodan tribe has left Uran with a solid base of knowledge on how to survive in any harsh environment, and the ability to vastly expand upon that knowledge. Appearance: Walks around in flowing robes that cover most of his body, with a mask for his face and leather gloves for his hands. Bits of tribal talismans hang from his robes, alongside scraps of chainmail. His hair is black, with strips of gray running through it. Face has a gaunt, haunted look to it. With faded hints of aristocratic features. Eyes are gray, speckled with gold normally. However when he uses his powers they turn golden. Concept: A curious spirit with a hunger for knowledge, that is nevertheless aloof and cold. The Emperor's intended purpose was for a weapon to combat the more sorcerous threats, and a back-up for the Golden Throne if his desired subject was unavailable. As well as to act as a collector and guardian for the psychic arts, and to destroy anything the Emperor deemed unacceptable. [/hider] [hider=Third Legion] Legion Name: III, nicknamed ‘Skullcrushers’ by army soldiers. Associated Primarch: Uran Bodan Concept: Clad in unpainted gunmetal gray, the Third Legion has yet to win any honors in the desperate battles of the Unification Wars. They have existed mainly as a support unit, working together with Imperial Army forces, aiding them in hotspots other legions may deem lesser or a misuse of their time. The Third Legion practices a flexible tactical and strategic mindset, attempting to use the standard combined arms approach. But their tendency to end up as the hammer that breaks siege lines has given them a growing preference towards close quarters assault and rapid maneuver tactics and weapons. The Third has no official name, but they have been given the crude nickname ‘Skullcrushers’ by army troopers for their tendency to break siege lines with brutal close quarters combat. [/hider]