[hider=House Mudd] [color=SaddleBrown][center][h1]House Mudd of Oldstones[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/1/15/House_Mudd.svg/818px-House_Mudd.svg.png[/img][/center] [i][color=Gold][h1][center]From Ruin Rising Again[/center][/h1][/color][/i][hr] [color=SaddleBrown]House Description:[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]Recent History:[/color] [hider=Back History]The Mudds once ruled as Kings of the Rivers and the Hills from a castle along the Blue Fork whose ruins are now called Oldstones. They were the last of the First Men to rule the Trident, reigning for "a thousand years". The Mudds, the most powerful and expansive of the First Men river king dynasties, claimed land as far south as the mouth of the Blackwater Rush. Tristan Mudd is considered one of the worst Lord Commanders of the Night's Watch. Tristifer IV Mudd was a great First Men king who was victorious in ninety-nine of his one hundred battles. His allies included Edmure Tully and his sons. When seven Andal kings, including Armistead Vance, banded against Tristifer, he lost his final battle and died in the fighting. Tristifer V was not the equal of his father and the kingdom was destroyed during the coming of the Andals to the riverlands. The Andal victors then fought amongst themselves over the riverlands. Marq Mudd, known as the Mad Bard, was a would-be king who unsuccessfully rebelled against House Durrandon when the Storm Kings ruled the riverlands. His authenticity as a Mudd is unconfirmed.[/hider] Delanded and fled to Essos after a crushing defeat by the Andals, House Mudd has passed the time as mercenaries in different companies, most recently the Stormbreakers. They have a deep hatred for the Tullys whom they consider usurpers. They have bided their time letting their hatred simmer and the children’s father, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/14/09/da/1409dad064ba39b7193ea234533f01e8.jpg]Konrad Mudd[/url], spoke of retiring after the last Braavos and Pentos war. He never made it back to their house in Braavos. Ayden took up the idea of reclaiming their lands and the title that should rightly have been theirs, Lord Paramount of the Trident. Their father died only months after the last twins were born, Kaylib and Emryss. Their mother, Reanya Mudd, a Lyseni woman of singular beauty with flowing golden blond hair and eyes like the sea, was the ambition behind Konrad and her children inherited that ambition. Konrad fell for her during her first night in a pillow house. He took her to bed and wed her that same night after he violently got the point across that he would be her only lover. He made his point after the first three eunuchs and a semi famous water dancer fell to him in quick succession. Reanya talked him into leaving Lys for Braavos where they prospered in the free city. Konrad was a professional mercenary and Reanya had learned the art of perfume making before her father had sold her to pay his gambling debts; she had been sixteen at the time. The couple invested most of their money into the Iron Bank shortly after Konrad spoke of his deep wish to restore House Mudd to what it once was. Reanya’s business thrived but they still lived like merchants never needing to grow more than what they were in Essos, a mercenary and a perfume merchant. As Reanya bore Konrad children she saw in them the future of this House her husband talked about. She was cunning enough to have put the idea of the boys joining the company that their father was in as they came of age. Between campaigns the children were educated by tutors in all subjects. None of the children were stupid but all of them fell into different lines of interest. She discouraged nothing in learning the more knowledge they had the more they would be prepared when they moved to Westeros. Misfortune soon found the Mudds and Konrad died in a campaign. With this misfortune came a windfall gaining a contract with House Arryn for her perfumes Reanya began to send over Master Builders to collect the items that would be needed to rebuild. The appeal to settle in the house that her now dead husband did not have the shine it once had, however her children took up the idea with gusto and now being adults put into motion the idea. So twenty two years after Konrad Mudd died in Essos his children and wife would fulfill his dream. [color=SaddleBrown]Family Members:[/color] [list] [*][url=https://evoke.ie/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/PRI80203962-1-768x555.jpg]Reanya Mudd[/url][hider=Dower Lady Mudd] Name: [color=RosyBrown]Reanya Mudd[/color] Age: [color=RosyBrown]46 156 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=RosyBrown]Reanya Mudd, a Lyseni woman of singular beauty with flowing blond hair and eyes like the sea, was the ambition behind Konrad and her children inherited that ambition. Konrad fell for her during her first night in a pillow house. He took her to bed and wed her that same night after he violently got the point across that he would be her only lover. He made his point after the first three eunuchs and a semi famous water dancer fell to him in quick succession. Reanya talked him into leaving Lys for Braavos where they prospered in the free city. Konrad was a professional mercenary and Reanya had learned the art of perfume making before her father had sold her to pay his gambling debts; she had been sixteen at the time. The couple invested most of their money into the Iron Bank shortly after Konrad spoke of his deep wish to restore House Mudd to what it once was. [/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://www.altfg.com/film/wp-content/uploads/images/2022/01/mud-movie-matthew-mcconaughey.jpg.webp]Ayden Mudd[/url][hider=Lord Mudd] Name: [color=Tan]Ayden Mudd[/color] Age: [color=Tan]30 172 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=Tan] Ayden “Denny” Mudd the most rounded of all the children and is the most passionate about getting the house restored. He is the dangerous kind of warrior, an educated and intelligent one. He doesn’t have a speciality when it comes to fighting. He has the ability to use most any weapon with no preference. His greatest talent lies in his mind. He is cunning and will do what it takes to win. He knows the flaws of his family and where their strengths lie. While he pushes them to their perceived limits he would always be there to help when needed. He truly loves his family and is very close with all of them.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/9e9145df4730f593b53ad3b5b0c8b5ce/tumblr_os8mttWEJB1rkkyz2o1_1280.jpg]Olyver Mudd[/url][hider=Shield of the House] Name: [color=Sienna]Olyver Mudd[/color] Age: [color=Sienna]30 172 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=Sienna]Olyver “Oly” Mudd is a warrior to the core. He specializes in working with just a shield, unarmed and with a whip. He is the quiet one of the group but just because he is almost always silent doesn’t mean that he can’t talk or is unintelligent, though he lets people make their assumptions. Like all the other brothers he has scars and has nearly died a few times.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYjllZWY2YTAtOTlkYi00YTcxLWExMWEtNTJmYzVmMzU3YjcwL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDcxNzU3MTE@._V1_.jpg]Dyclan Mudd[/url][hider=Spear of the House] Name: [color=BurlyWood]Dyclan Mudd[/color] Age: [color=BurlyWood]27 175 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=BurlyWood]Dyclan “Lan” Mudd has always been a man of action. He and Rhys take after their father more in looks than the twins. His instincts are honed to a fine edge and he is especially good with spears and javelins paired with or without shields. He is brutal when it comes to anyone deemed an enemy seeing the world in black and white. He loves his family to a fault and would die to keep them safe. He is the only one out of the family that worships R’hllor.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/q2YR6o6MKqO2szOhmmSSAnjs2aC.jpg]Rhysander Mudd[/url][hider=Artisan of the House] Name: [color=Peru]Rhysander Mudd[/color] Age: [color=Peru]24 178 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=Peru] Rhysander “Rhys” Mudd is more of a thinker and liked to plan out and design really well anything. He has designed weapons as well as buildings and furniture. He’s done less fighting than his brothers but he did design their weapons and wanted to design the place they'd be living in when they went to Westeros. Like all his siblings he loves his family and likes to make things for them. He is very skilled in carpentry, blacksmithing, tinsmithing, leather working and glasswork. He stayed in Braavos more than his older brothers.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://www.biography.com/.image/ar_4:3%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_1200/MTgwMTM4MTc4MDMwNjA5NzUy/river-phoenix.jpg]Kaylib Mudd[/url][hider=Sword of the House] Name: [color=Chocolate]Kaylib Mudd[/color] Age: [color=Chocolate]22 180 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=Chocolate] Kaylib “Kay” Mudd is a little hotheaded Water Dancer. His arrogance extends to women as well and he has had a good share of lovers. Thankfully he is not stupid enough to have deflowered the wrong noble’s daughter. He likes to stick to the courtesans and widows so as not to get tied down. His youth and ability make him very proud. He struts around like a Summer Island bird that squawks and imitates its owners. He could be the First Sword but he doesn’t have the dedication to any but his family and none of his brothers have the desire to be Sealord. He is especially protective of his baby sister. But he has recently been bored so leaving for Westeros seems like an adventure he wants.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/60/13/3e/60133e19ebc0a420f45bc33d4f66e9ac.jpg]Emryss Mudd[/url][hider=The Sunbeam] Name: [color=SandyBrown]Emryss Mudd[/color] Age: [color=SandyBrown]22 180 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=SandyBrown]Emryss “Emy” Mudd is the only daughter of Konrad and Reanya Mudd. She looks like her mother but exceeded expectations with her golden blond hair as if someone had spun gold and blended it with sunshine. It spills to the middle of her thighs. Her eyes are the color of the sea and change just like it. Emy was the only child that didn’t leave Braavos or her mother’s sight. She was educated just as much as her brothers and can argue their topic just as well as they can. However her mother did teach her about perfume. She began to learn about herbs and poisons from her mother as well. Dancing instruction since she could walk and exotic dances that were viewed as erotic were common place. Emy has had the opportunity to learn that she had a gift for balancing and flexibility. Being able to contort her body into different positions. Emryss like her brothers is very family oriented and loves all her big brothers no matter how they irritate her.[/color] [/hider] [/list] [color=SaddleBrown]Household Members:[/color] [list] [*][url=https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/36d/44c/817e92c46a589891d751680f2adaa1e1ed-22-henry-golding.rsquare.w700.jpg]Paris Sand[/url][hider=Stormbreaker] Name: [color=CadetBlue]Paris Sand[/color] Age: [color=CadetBlue]23 179 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=CadetBlue]Paris Sand is a Dorne native who is quick to smile and joke. He has been with the Stormbreakers for seven years. His speciality is spears and javelins.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://cinema10.com.br/upload/personalidades/personalidades_2458_rudds.jpg]Mylo Rivers[/url][hider=Stormbreaker] Name: [color=CadetBlue]Mylo Rivers[/color] Age: [color=CadetBlue]33 169 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=CadetBlue]Mylo Rivers is a Westrosi man that is from different parts depending on who you ask. He has been with the Stormbreakers for fifteen years. His speciality is dual wielding daggers.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://preview.redd.it/vg4m7nt6gvf11.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=fd78ca61882cecfe95bee6a8f9a816c77ddf5986]Sabriel Storm[/url][hider=Stormbreaker] Name: [color=CadetBlue]Sabriel Storm[/color] Age: [color=CadetBlue]42 160 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=CadetBlue]Sabriel Storm is a Stormlander that has been part of the Stormbreakers for 30 years now and his speciality is the great sword.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://helios-i.mashable.com/imagery/articles/03YA63n22py9aXW6uzjuSjQ/hero-image.fill.size_1200x1200.v1627323014.jpg]Gabryle Flowers[/url][hider=Stormbreaker] Name: [color=CadetBlue]Gabryle Flowers[/color] Age: [color=CadetBlue]30 172 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=CadetBlue]Gabryle Flowers is from the Reach and has been part of the Stormbreakers for fifteen years now and his specialty is longsword and shield.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://image-cdn.hypb.st/https%3A%2F%2Fhypebeast.com%2Fimage%2F2022%2F06%2Fjohnny-depp-could-reprise-his-role-as-captain-jack-sparrow-00.jpg?w=960&cbr=1&q=90&fit=max]Icarus Pyke[/url][hider=Stormbreaker] Name: [color=CadetBlue]Icarus Pyke[/color] Age: [color=CadetBlue]32 170 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=SaddleBrown]House Mudd[/color] Description & Biography: [color=CadetBlue]Icarus Pyke is a former Iron Islander that didn’t take to the Drowned God. He decided at the age of twelve to jump ship, ending up in Essos after a few years. He joined the Stormbreakers when he was fourteen, eighteen years ago. He specializes in hand axes.[/color] [/hider] [*][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hellskitchen/images/6/6f/Gordon_Ramsay.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190118190638]Cook Ramsyes Jordon[/url] [color=ForestGreen]Servant[/color] [*][url=https://www.independent.ie/migration_catalog/e2b6f/25199678.ece/AUTOCROP/w620/N0633151297243287958A_1]Septon Etienne[/url] [color=ForestGreen]Family Priest[/color] [*][url=https://images.thebrag.com/td/uploads/Alice-Cooper1.jpg]Saibon Priest of R'hllor[/url] [color=ForestGreen]Servant of the House and Priest to the those that follow R’hllor. The man is from Asshai.[/color] [*][url=https://www.billboard.com/wp-content/uploads/video/v1/static/769341148/1a247d21-b69a-4e9d-8da4-53e836b28491/bab33814-17e9-4c33-a010-cc678b05c79f/1280x720/match/image.jpg?w=942&h=623&crop=1]Seneschal Arsenio[/url] [color=ForestGreen]Servant[/color] [*][url=https://ntvb.tmsimg.com/assets/assets/72952_v9_bb.jpg?w=270&h=360]Master of Ravens Edvard Uyll[/url] [color=ForestGreen]Servant[/color] [*][url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/529546764467044377/1038752437256855622/unknown.png]Master Builder Dayvid[/url] [color=ForestGreen]Servant[/color] [*][url=https://assets.mycast.io/actor_images/actor-tobin-bell-220980_large.jpg?1622292871]Maester Tobyn[/url] [color=ForestGreen]Servant[/color] [/list] [/hider] [@Sini][@Ruby][@Vanq]