Quinn shut the door. She was tense as she did; the room's four white walls immediately felt like a trap. But with how the station had reacted to Roaki, she certainly didn't want to leave a way open for other people to come in or listen in, no matter how small. That daunting task done, she took the seat that sat across the room from the bed, using the time it took both to calm herself down from the seething fear that briefly bubbled up behind her eye and to prepare herself for what was to come. Just like before, seeing Roaki like this was like a punch to the gut. Well, at least she didn't sound as openly hostile as she had. But on the other hand, Quinn might have preferred the anger to the panic that had flashed through across her face. Roaki...really was terrified of her, wasn't she? And though she obviously didn't like it, there was little wonder why, Quinn reflected. The first interaction the two of them had after Roaki went through something [i]horribly[/i] traumatic—both at Quinn's hands and otherwise—had been marked primarily by Quinn's intense and violent anger. Of course, it had been anger at how Roaki had been treated, how people reacted to her, and not at her, of course. But a first impression was a powerful thing, and for someone who had been through something so horrible, that was...not the greatest she perhaps might've made. At least Roaki seemed less like she was going to crumple in on herself than she did last night. As afraid as Quinn was of the Board's retribution, one look at the girl in front of her immediately reaffirmed to her that [i]no[/i], there was absolutely no way Quinn was going to let her be tortured like that again, and neither was she going to let her willingly walk to her death if she could at all help it. So today—and tomorrow if she could, and the day after, and the day after that—she would be as comforting as she possibly could. It was the least she could do after causing all of this, and the poor girl certainly didn't anybody else yelling at her. Quinn didn't know exactly what had happened to her that would turn her into what she was today, other than a feeling of deep familiarity and creeping unease. Still, regardless of any of that, she knew if the first impression she'd gotten after she'd woken up on the Aerie was someone yelling at her, her life might've gone a very different and very unpleasant direction. She'd been given every chance and welcomed with open arms. It stood to reason that she should do the same for others. So although she didn't really know what to say, when she spoke, it was as calm, kind, and gentle as she realistically could be. "[color=ffe63d]I thought that...maybe after last night you might like someone to talk to? And I'd like to talk with you too. It gets boring and lonely in here pretty quick with no company, right?[/color]"