To anyone still working on their character. Something to keep in mind for working out your stats is that Skills rely on Attributes. Aka, you do have to meet certain Attribute requirements to have a Skill be at a given Proficiency. In the interest of making this clearer I have created this little thing to condense the requirements into an easy-to-reference...let's call it chart, lol. [sub][sup][h3][b][u]Chart[/u][/b][/h3][/sup][/sub] [u](5)[/u][b]Dismal[/b] allows [I]Untrained[/i][u](0-19)[/u] [u](15)[/u][b]Unremarkable[/b] allows [i]Layman[/i][u](20-49)[/u] [u](25)[/u][b]Average[/b] allows [i]Practitioner[/i][u](50-89)[/u] [u](50)[/u][b]Impressive[/b] allows [i]Expert[/i][u](90-119)[/u]/[i]Adept[/i][u](120-149)[/u] [u](75)[/u][b]Incredible[/b] allows [i]Master[/i][u](150-179)[/u]/[i]Grandmaster[/i][u](180-239)[/u] [u](100)[/u][b]Legendary[/b] allows [i]Legend[/i][u](240-299)[/u] [u](150)[/u][b]Mythic[/b] allows [i]Myth[/i][u](300)[/u]