[center] [h1] [color=d72525] Sergio della Gherardesca [/color] [/h1] [/center] Sergio carefully looked over Lein, before taking the coins. He raised one to his mouth, quickly biting it to make sure he hadn't been given some sort of faux-metal scam coin. Evidently not. [color=d72525] "Ah, and yet the day is still young. Clearly I bore you, Ser Estouls. The [i]shame[/i], by Mayon." [/color] The knight stretched out, pouting a little before making eye contact with him again. [color=d72525] "I could never think another reason you'd want me gone, ah?" [/color] The Knight of the Harvest Moon's eyes glimmered in amusement. He'd have eased up on Lein if the Hundi was a clueless new recruit - but being as sly and conniving as he was...a little friendly hazing couldn't hurt. A coin flipped into the air, caught as quick as it was thrown. [@PigeonOfAstora]