[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [h3]Gutsford -> Kunad Highway[/h3] [@Lugubrious] Demons/G-Men | [@Dark Cloud] Benedict Pascal | [@TruthHurts22] Raz [b]Word Count:[/b] 428 (+1 Exp) [b]Level 3 Roxas:[/b] 13 + 1 = 14/30[/center] The whole time, Roxas couldn't get his mind off of what happened earlier. That bus driver was probably in for a rough time, and all because he happened to be driving the bus that he and Raz had used to don a disguise. At first, Roxas could only hope that he would be released soon enough as he and his partner made their way to the rendezvous. But when they finally got there, the Seekers were all in for a surprise. At the Turk's order, the G-Men under his command all suddenly changed form and turned into a variety of demonic creatures. This revelation brought Roxas' guilt back in full force. That driver from earlier had been taken somewhere by... demons? That couldn't have been good. Who knew what he was being put through if actual demons were involved? Well, one person currently present would likely know. And his blood began to boil as Roxas narrowed his gaze at the Turk giving the demons their orders. "...[i]Him[/i]." Roxas muttered under his breath, both hands clenched tightly into fists. It was clear that a battle was inevitable. And that gave Roxas an idea about what to do next. Without a word to the nearby Raz, Roxas sprang into action. Even as the trucks began their rumbling movement. Even as his fellow Seekers began to engage the plethora of demons around them. Roxas instead had another destination in mind, using flowmotion to easily maneuver from truck to truck until he could get within spitting distance of the Turk. "Haaaah!" Roxas cried, having already summoned both of his Keyblades. He didn't waste time with formalities or quips like a few of the others. Roxas was furious, and in that fury he came at the Turk with a big x-slash with his weapons. But even after that, he kept going, unleashing a flurry of furious strike after strike. but eventually Roxas [i]did[/i] indeed have something to say, "What happens to people who are arrested by those G-Men? Tell me!" All of this was because he felt responsible for what had happened to that bus driver mere minutes ago. He hated the thought of having been the cause of someone else's misery. He knew all too well what it was like to have your day - your whole life even - ruined because it happened to be in the way of someone else's conflict. And now potentially having done that to someone else left the Keyblade Wielder boiling with anger. Not just at the Turk or the demons he commanded, but at [i]himself[/i] as well.