[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/N8nSp3D.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221025/aec613744d983e91d014c604f894dfd0.png[/img][/center] [color=green]“My name is Pine… Just Pine…”[/color] Pine began. [color=green]“Maybe one day I’ll entrust you with my first name… Anyway, I like plants. It’s not just my chosen deck archetype, it’s my passion. I like to garden, and I like to read up on botany. Plants are fascinating. Beautiful, beneficial to the planet, sometimes deadly… I could go on and on… As for a fun fact about myself… frankly, I don’t think I’m that fun… Besides gardening I enjoy the basic teenage activities of playing video games and reading… But speaking of fun facts, did you know there’s a carnivorous plant in the Philippines that is capable of devouring a full-grown rat?”[/color] Pine swore he heard some other students snickering by the time he was done with his introduction, but Kaison grinned and gave him a thumbs up. In Pine’s eyes, his was the only opinion that matered. And then Melony had to go and ruin it by asking him on a date. Pine cursed under his breath. That brazen little hussy! He wanted to ask Kaison out first! He was starting daggers at her as she spoke. —- After Kaison’s and Melony’s date, the most ridiculous rumor spread around the school. Pine denied it, but of course, humans believed whatever they wanted to believe. Of course he got no end of rude comments from He was used to this nonsense. But it was things like this that made Pine believe plants were better than people… Kaison was the only good one… He was just oblivious. That night, Pine was rudely awoken by a strange sensation. He looked out the window and saw the stormy atmosphere, and the geyser of light. He couldn’t explain it, but Pine felt the need to investigate what was going on. Pillars of light don’t exactly just show up out of the blue. As it turned out, Kaison had been awoken too. Since neither of them could go back to sleep, they agreed to investigate together. Pine wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity to have a potentially romantic outing with his roommate. Even if these weren’t the circumstances he was hoping for…