Quinn linked her hands behind her head and leaned back, [i]hmm[/i]ing as she pondered what to ask. A deal of it, though not all, was putting on an act, though. At least to an extent. She knew what she wanted to ask. She'd known what she wanted to ask since last night. She was less wondering about that, and rather pondering [i]how to ask it.[/i] What she wanted to know was what had happened to Roaki. Hell, she was almost [i]desperate[/i] to know what had happened to her. Why she was like this. Why she'd already been missing limbs. What had been done to her, and who had done it. But asking it directly...she knew that if someone she didn't know asked her about [i]her[/i] childhood, she would have a bad response, and she had no reason to think Roaki would be any different. So instead, she needed to take a slightly more indirect tack and hope that it didn't blow up in her face. Her [i]hmm[/i] ended, and she let herself fall back forward until she was looking at Roaki again. Again, not [i]directly[/i]—she seemed to have an aversion to meeting Quinn's eye—but that general direction. "[color=ffe63d]Honestly, Nothing in particular. I just don't know anything about you as a [i]person[/i] and I never really got the chance to ask.[/color]" She lapsed into a momentary quiet as she thought. Roaki was so scared of people [i]taking[/i] from her that it seemed almost paralyzing. She remembered in crisp and horrible detail her own terror of being left alone or sent home those first few days, when everything felt so tenuous; like anything she did wrong would get her sent away from the Aerie and Besca. Roaki was...she wouldn't think of an innocent line of questioning, Quinn was sure. She didn't know [i]what[/i] Roaki would think, but she didn't want to take any risks. "[color=ffe63d]You don't [i]need[/i] to tell me anything if you don't want to. And...[/color]" Her voice caught. It had seemed to innocuous just thinking about it. But saying it was...it was scary. She could feel her body tensing and the instinctual and elemental part of herself, deep down—perhaps [color=black]Quinnlash[/color] as well, perhaps her alone—wanted her to close off, to ignore the rest of the world and stay safe and secure inside of her head. But the rest of her knew that if she did that, she would never reach Roaki. Never, never, never. And the thought of that hurt [i]more.[/i] So she fought off that animal within her and finished the sentence. "[color=ffe63d]...And anything you want to know about me—[i]anything[/i]—I'll answer as best I can, 'kay?[/color]" With any luck, that would be enough—if only [i]just[/i] enough—to get her to open up, even just the smallest crack.