"[color=ec008c]…What happened to your eye?[/color]" Quinn sucked in a sharp, pained breath. She should've expected it, she really should've. But she somehow didn't, not so early out of the gate. She hesitated, her last breath half in and half out of her throat. Her eye flickered for a moment with...not with terror, per se, but certainly with some kind of deep discomfort, like a poison that lay beneath her had floated briefly to the surface. Still, her hands were already behind her head. So she could at least cut that agonizing part of the process out. "[color=ffe63d]I did mean what I said at the...Henkersmahl, I think it is? I don't really know what happened to it.[/color]" She paused, rewound. "[color=ffe63d]Or...no, I know [i]what[/i] happened to it. I just...[/color]" She finally managed to untie the knot and, for the second time in as many days, let it flutter down into her lap like a windless flag. This time she resisted the urge to run her fingers across the scar tissue, to see how [i]expansive[/i] it was. She just sat there, hands clutching tightly around the strip of black and yellow fabric. "[color=ffe63d]I just don't know [i]why[/i].[/color]" "[color=ffe63d]I was...twelve? Thirteen? Something like that, I'm never quite sure. And it just...[i]went.[/i] Burst right out of my head.[/color]" She shuddered and, forgetting her resolve to not, dug her fingernails lightly into the sleeves of her t-shirt. She hadn't thought of the sheer pain of that moment for some time now. Tried not to think about it. She could practically [i]hear[/i] the shrill screaming, all the pain and the heart-stopping terror, ringing through her ears. "[color=ffe63d]My...[i]parents[/i] dug it out and bandaged it up, then gave me the eyepatch and I've been wearing it ever since.[/color]" After a few shaky breaths, she let the arms down again and rebalanced her voice, purging the tremble as best she could. "[color=ffe63d]I've never seen under it myself. Too scared to look.[/color]" "[color=ffe63d]What about you? How did you lose your arm and leg?[/color]"