>[@Thinslayer] Well my primary character idea can be summed up in the following phrase: "If nature shouldst bear its fangs against us, we shall tame it. If the demigods shouldst deign to oppose us, we shalt break them, and if the gods themselves descend from on high to cage and ensnare us we shall tear them asunder and bend them to our will." >In essence, this character is humanity first to a downright fanatical degree, and only serves the demigods and gods out of the logical conclusion that punching said beings in the face as a plain old mortal probably won't go too well. Otherwise yes, they'd be more than willing to unravel the very spirits of natural law and chaos themselves if it meant humanity was truly free. >The other idea is, of course, just being the Forsaken. This character idea is basically: "Evil dragon daddy that wants to enslave the world and gives me cool inhuman shit for doing it? Sign me the fuck up!"