[center][h3][color=8493ca]Hector Wyland[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] In some capacity, Hector had expected Reavers to be eccentric...but this...'display' was having him reconsider the effort it took for him to even come here after being accepted into their order. He'd expected that, since this was a Veyonistic organization, that he should expect commoner magi and skilled individuals but...he was astounded by the flippancy on display. The already tired looking man somehow deepened the bag under his eye as he listened to the conversations around him, gradually wishing that he'd brought earplugs. Today was going to be a long day, especially with the one called Evelyn boasting of her magic already. And, then someone climbed the tower. In seconds, specifically. ...It was astonishing how grotesque the act was, clambering up the wall like an insect with some sort of alchemical contraption. [color=8493ca][b]"...Hah,"[/b][/color] Hector said, breaking his silence as he watched the magus called "Scarlett" reach the top of the tower before them and then vanish from his sight. Good riddance, he supposed. But, he needed to make an introduction beyond monosyllabics. [color=8493ca][b]"I am Hector Wyland of house Wyland. Marksman and practitioner of Galdr and Thaumaturgy. Herne,"[/b][/color] he said, the last word he called summoning a thin veiling of mist near his left foot, before a difficult to spot snake crawled its way up and along the leg of his trousers before sitting comfortably coiled along his left wrist. [color=8493ca][b]"My familiar."[/b][/color] The snake observed those around, its air-like composition making it difficult to really tell where it was looking. As far as familiars went...it looked somewhat weak, both in size and solidity. But, it wasn't as if Hector named each familiar after the first. After all, the transient spirits his Galdr called upon would be different each time. He was already aware that with his training being so brief before coming, he likely paled in comparison to the Veyonists and Animists around him. ...But, he wasn't about to show weakness needlessly. [color=8493ca][b]"A pleasure to meet you all,"[/b][/color] he lied, imagining that he'd have to work with any potential number of the assembled recruits.