[@Zyx][@SilverPaw] I just had a eureka moment: if we go with the tragic second-paragraph plotline, what if Zyx's character was a citizen of SilverPaw's kingdom, perhaps even the king's bodyguard, brother, or friend? Because, for someone to feel such an intense level of vindictiveness against the gods and conviction in the betterment of humanity, I imagine something incredibly tragic must have happened to them and the people around them. The demigod Yddrog slaughtered everyone he ever loved, and the demigod Regret was the one who created him. And lest one think that the other patrons are more acceptable, perhaps Yddrog's mages were responsible for the devastation. That kind of experience might cause anyone to swear off all demigods entirely - and drive him toward Regret in search of power and time to exact his revenge. Just an idea. Edit: If we want to cut down on the tragedies and go for a more upbeat tale, then the first-paragraph plotline of the kingdom joining the alliance opens up a different set of possibilities. People don't always need to experience tragedy before they'll feel a strong conviction for something. Oftentimes, a really good upbringing will do that just as well. Perhaps Zyx's character did extraordinarily well in life; maybe he was a commoner who got rich enough to buy into nobility, or an inventor who managed to change the world, or even just a priest who, after having met thousands of good, strong people in his life, learned the rich wellspring of strength that humans were capable of without demigods to support them. Which brings me to a question: do you have a story idea in mind for your character, Zyx?