[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QLcqYBY.png[/img][h3][color=FF3131]Ashon'amar'loiyang[/color][/h3][hr][hr][b][color=40E0D0]Event:[/color][/b]During the Melon Derby [b]|[/b] [b][color=40E0D0]Location:[/color][/b] Ersand'Enise[hr][hr][/center] Squeezing upon a nice set of Melons, Jamboi added the latest into his collection. With the columns of light in the sky overshadowing his team’s base, he can only imagine the kind of blood bath awaiting him in that direction. He could risk trying to sneak past them bringing his efforts to naught, or use the moment to kill some time. It is only natural in this situation that some distant rogue temporal activity in the opposite direction attracts his attention. To join the screaming masses as they fight tooth and claw for melons, or taking a little detour? Detour it is. It wasn’t in the rules that the students could leave the city at any point, it was simply automatically assumed that such an action would be pointless due to the lack of melons making it a terrible idea. It also means there are no dragon riders, no murder penguins, or avatars of the gods summoning the Grand Demons themselves. In fact, it struck him that this indeed a brilliant idea, one that the yanii’s in their little boxes could never dream of, dubbing it as Outside of the Box thinking, a natural occurrence for Yasoi who spend more time in trees and open skies than sad buildings. He runs towards the edge and like a mad lad flips from it into the open sky, as he pulls back his shirt, using it to glide towards his destination. Using his nose sniff out the trail of temporal magic, with a good old-fashioned lick of his thumb to tell its direction as he attempts to pinpoint the location. [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/z8ZqFlw6hYg[/youtube][/center] Jamboi eventually finds himself standing outside a large building. It was obscured from those around it, with its only access leading off from a back alley. It hosts a closed inner courtyard. What is most disturbing is the disgusting reek of blood magic permeating the air. The miasma was that thick, he could probably cut it with a blade. You only live once, or for some in special cases, you can live that one life many times over. Jamboi decided to investigate the Blood Magic Complex of Mudsville. He takes a run and a jump, easily climbing along the vertical wall of the complex as he tries to peer through any windows or blinds to have a better understanding of the place. Hopefully someone carelessly left something unfastened to allow him to slip inside if opportunity allowed. It wasn’t long when he was peering inside that he felt the inside peering back at him, or in this particular case, the tall pale man in crimson robes standing behind him in the air. He gives a primal shiver as his amygdala responds a little too well to the creepy vibes. [color=FF3131]“Nice place you got here, it would be a shame if it happened to be full of melons ripe for the picking.”[/color] He scratches the back of his head as offers up the goofy smile. He can feel those eyes burning the back of his head almost literally as the man peers towards him. Honesty is usually the best way out of any awkward troubling situations. He shrugs his shoulders a little, [color=FF3131]“Only need a few if so.”[/color] The man smiles. That damned smile. [color=880808]"Somebody I know has entrusted me with one."[/color] He turns to look towards him, tilting his head in a most curious questioning manner, [color=FF3131]"Which one?"[/color] [color=880808]"Careful,"[/color] the man suggests. [color=880808]"You might get burned for showing too much interest."[/color] Jamboi scratches his chin a moment, [color=FF3131]"So… the firemelon? I do like the cut of your jib."[/color], he clicks his fingers towards him, before giving a shrug. [color=FF3131]"I was hoping for a stack of those 100's or a dark melon or two though."[/color] [color=880808]"You would be stumbling about in the dark one hundred percent if that were your goal. There remains yet one of the latter within city grounds, though.”[/color] [color=FF3131]"Eh, not entirely true. I had hoped whoever gave you that melon gave you some more, like squirrels with nuts. I don't like people taking advantage of the spirit of the game. So I wanted to prove a point by taking a melon or two of theirs for my own collection"[/color], he looks towards the gentleman. [color=FF3131]"If it is only that one, it becomes somewhat hard to prove that point.”[/color] He tries to take a better measure of the man. [color=FF3131]”Since you are looking after it, They should have paid you very well right? Clearly you are getting a lot for it, no? or were they a little cheap with you".[/color] Money, favours, yanii tend to deal a lot in materialistic terms. [color=FF3131]"How about we both make a point together?"[/color] [color=880808]"I do not ask for payment from friends, yasoi. We help each other as needed."[/color] Jamboi waves his hand dismissively, so it wasn’t material gain after all. Let’s see if he is a principled person. [color=FF3131]"It is not really a friendship if they use you. There is helping, and then there is helping."[/color]. He moves so he is standing upright upon the wall as if it was the ground, looking up towards him. [color=FF3131]“See, you look like a real strong guy. I don't stand a chance, so I am not going to try.”[/color] A sprinkle of flattery. [color=FF3131]”So level with me. A bunch of kids during a test are asking you to hold a melon for them in a children's game. Isn't that beneath your worth?”[/color] Make him question the assumption. [color=FF3131]”What I am going to propose will be in both our interests. You keep your side of the deal with your friends, and you also get to make a statement, a point, that they only succeeded because they relied on you. They need to take you seriously and your friendship more seriously. I do, and what, it has been only a couple of minutes."[/color] [color=880808]"You seem to care very much that I am not being used,"[/color] the man replied. [color=880808]"I should hope you would care this much about others."[/color] He reached out and the entire wall disassembled itself. [color=880808]"Join me, and let us speak frankly."[/color] He motioned for the youth to follow. Jamboi just watches as the ground next to him, no, the wall, just disappears. He drops down into the hole, as he seems to right himself for a perfect landing upon the floor. [color=FF3131]”Those are use others are a particularly favourite target of mine.”[/color] He gives the man a wink, before making a mental note of the exits. [color=FF3131]”No monkey business, straight to it.”[/color]. He brushes himself down to make himself appear more presentable, even fastening a couple of the buttons on his shirt. He lifts his hand as he raises his finger, [color=FF3131]”I don’t want your melon…”[/color] he raises his second finger, [color=FF3131]”I don't like you have it either.”[/color]. He lowers his hand as he further clarifies, [color=FF3131]”This is a test on their ability to be able to protect it, not yours. Frankly, it is cheating, dishonourable, and simply not fair play… it is incredibly lazy and ultimately, boring.”[/color] He waves his hand, [color=FF3131]”I know they’re your friends, but you know it is true.”[/color] He outlines the facts as they are before turning for his proposal. [color=FF3131]”I want to make a point. A simple one. I want to leave a mark upon the melon so it is unmistakable that they failed in their task. Nothing that would ruin it, just simply a message that if they want to protect something precious, they need to do it themselves and not take their security for granted.”[/color] He pinches his fingers to symbolise them feeling small. [color=FF3131]”I want them to feel vulnerable for that split second, like a snail without its shell, crushing that urge to become complacent. This time it is the Melon, but what if it comes to something truly important and valued, simply sacrifice it in the name of absolving themselves of responsibility for it?”[/color] He does give a man a once over as he considers the age difference, [color=FF3131]”I do think you are looking a bit older and wiser for simply being a friend, I can imagine you being a mentor or perhaps an elder they trust. Isn’t it the goal to raise the young’uns become greater than ourselves?”[/color] [color=880808]"From my experience, there is no such thing as fair play,"[/color] the man says tiredly. A firemelon seems to materialise in his hand from thin air. [color=880808]"I am giving you something for your quixotic quest and you are not my friend. I do this because someday you will learn who I am and I trust that you will remember our encounter. Make your mark."[/color] There is no warning or threat. Jamboi gives him the biggest grinning smile towards the man as he witnesses the melon before him. For being a very dangerous blood mage who could crush him like a bug and get away with it, he does have a somewhat appreciable side to him. He is about to approach the melon then he pauses, a blush appearing upon his cheek, speaking sheepishly. [color=FF3131]”Going to be a little embarrassing. Didn’t expect there to be company when I did this part of the plan.”[/color] He moves towards the melon using his finger like a quill, as he starts to doodle and draw upon the melon. The man wouldn’t be able to tell just yet, but as Jamboi starts to create what appears to be red-spines coming from the top of it, it doesn’t take long for him to realise. With a lick of his thumb to give the finishing touches with the yasoi tattoos, he has successfully recreated Jamboi the Firemelon, with trademark wild red hair and a big grin. Jamboi tips his head towards the man, as he brings up the ‘remember me’. [color=FF3131]”It is going to be likewise, with the whole remembering thing. You will forever remember the encounter with the great Jamboi, the Monkey King!”[/color] He makes a break for the exit, swinging towards it in that monkeyish manner. [color=FF3131]”Now not to overstay my welcome, I bid thee farewell!”[/color] dropping from the hole in the wall. The crimson-robed man lets out a snort of mirth and the melon disappears once more. After successfully surviving near impossible odds and succeeding in his mission, Jamboi puts that ‘out of the box’ thinking into practice as he starts to make his way around the outskirts of the city to make his way back to the Zeno house in relative peace. By hopping between the rooftops, he comes in through the open window, mellon’s in tow, to cash them all safely for his team. However... That was not the end of the tale... [color=880808]"Justice,"[/color] said the grandmaster Blood Blood Mage, holding both Jocasta and Benedetto in the air, bound by magic, [color=880808]"Would be giving this to neither of you. You are disappointments."[/color] The Firemelon materialised in one of his hands. [color=880808]"I will be delivering this where it truly belongs."[/color] He winked out of existence and reappeared... Jamboi scored the Fire Melon for Team VOID. [hr][hr]