Genres: Slice of life* Angst* Horror Romance* Dark/ Historical Fiction Sci-fi* Drama* *~* Anime: Black Butler* Soul Eater******** Hetalia Princess Jellyfish Heart No Kuni No Alice/ Alice in the Land of Hearts Pokemon** Sailor Moon/ Durarara Baka To Test Howl's Moving Castle Spice and Wolf Uta No Prince-Sama Katerkyo Hitman Reborn Legend of Korra* K-ON! Wolf Children *~* Movies: Avengers* Thor* X-Men* Iron Man* Harry Potter The Hobbit LOTR/ Rise of The Guardians Frozen* Mirror Mask The Devil's Carnival Repo! The Genetic Opera Moulin Rouge Across The Universe ANY DISNEY FILM***** Well, here are my interests, and If you're available, could you do a soul eater rp?